They Are Wraith (Curtains Lifting For The Final Act Remix) [Stargate: Atlantis; Teyla Emmagan]

Apr 13, 2008 07:31

Title: They Are Wraith (Curtains Lifting For The Final Act Remix)
Author: tielan
Summary: They thought in human, not in Wraith. That was their downfall.
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: Allies
Original Story: They Are Wraith | shusu

They Are Wraith (Curtains Lifting For The Final Act Remix) )

character: teyla emmagan, original author: shusu, remix author: tielan, character: elizabeth weir, character: john sheppard, fandom: stargate atlantis

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Comments 7

spoke April 19 2008, 23:58:57 UTC
Wow. This is terrifying, looking back at this moment from Teyla's perspective. Excellent!


celli April 20 2008, 04:13:46 UTC
Oh, man. This is a really great take on the original.


shusu April 20 2008, 18:06:59 UTC
I will come back and comment more, srsly, but this is so awesome. I can't even adequately describe how it fits in with my original fic, which was only meant to dance with the episode itself. It's like a complete Teyla-izing of it, a, I daresay, feminizing of what's this masculine, fighter-pilot boom action strategy fic... just full of relationships and personalities and yet it's the *same* drumbeat of urgency. I love how we go deeper into the fog of confusion (and friendship with Kate! win! and more Elizabeth! Win!) and yet confront exactly the same Wraith deception, with the same (or better) tension and subtlety.

tl;dr It's the yin to my yang! Thanks!


kassrachel April 20 2008, 19:53:39 UTC
There it lies, the finished product before her eyes, a tapestry of terrifying proportions. Warp and weft threads intertwine, weaving in and out of the design - a design that was planned by the Wraith, strung out with the care of a loom-threader, and bound together by Atlantis - all unaware of what they created.

Oh, wow. This is gorgeous. And chilling. And fabulous.

I love the parallelism between this one and the original, and especially what you did with the warp and weft threads in the tapestry of what's happening.


sunnyd_lite April 21 2008, 15:42:17 UTC
Adored the weaving metaphor and Teyla slowly sussing out how they've been played so well that the Lateans wouldn't believe it even if she could show them.

Love the echoing of the original in the breakdown lists. Again adore the fact that the 'woven' doesn't see the pattern and only by being outside can it be revealed.


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