Pegasus Literature 101 (Pass/Fail Remix) [SGA; McKay/Sheppard]

Apr 11, 2008 21:48

Title: Pegasus Literature 101 (Pass/Fail Remix)
Author: busaikko (and beta by liseuse)
Summary: Atlantis reads the Great Books. . . of Pegasus.
Rating: PG
Fandom: SGA
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Original story: The John Sheppard Book Club by krabapple
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters. damn.
audit this course )

character: teyla emmagan, character: rodney mckay, pairing: rodney mckay/john sheppard, character: ronon dex, original author: krabapple, character: john sheppard, remix author: busaikko, fandom: stargate atlantis, rating: pg

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Comments 56

krabapple April 19 2008, 23:11:41 UTC
This is . . . this is . . . it's . . . I don't even have words it's so wonderful and beautiful and amazing. More later when I can find some, but this is lovely. Gracious.

Just awesome.

Thank you.


ll_cool_cj April 19 2008, 23:27:47 UTC
* is very relieved* I loved your story when I first read it (I think Amberlynne pointed me over to your journal), it made me laugh all over the place. The only drawback was that (being a product of several incompetent school systems) I didn't know most of the great literature being discussed (except in a vague, pop-literature sense). Which gave me the (admittedly insane) idea to have them discuss literature *no one* knew. In my head it was a lot more cracky, but then the story went places, and when I sent it off to beta I was practically crying thinking I'd got the whole remix thing wrong. So: relief! Thank you for inspiring me! *hugs*


krabapple April 26 2008, 02:45:21 UTC
Once more before the reveal, I just have to say how much I love this story. Well, I don't think it's possible to describe how much I love this story, but know that I do!

Thank YOU for being so awesome! This is perfect! *hugs*


busaikko April 26 2008, 23:13:21 UTC
Domo! Glad you enjoyed! I love reading, but am ashamed to admit never having read any Russian authors, or any Dickens, or Virginia Woolf (can't even spell her name!)... well, you get the woeful picture. So with your story I had that feeling of understanding what was being discussed, but not really knowing, if that makes any sense. (Which didn't detract from your story at all, I hasten to say: I totally get why Ronon reading Austen is a beautiful concept *nods*) This put the idea of having *everyone* read alien literature into my head....

* offers you some good coffee to go with... whatever that is you're currently reading *


siegeofangels April 19 2008, 23:20:27 UTC
This is amazing.


busaikko April 27 2008, 00:56:31 UTC
Thank you!


unamaga April 20 2008, 01:47:34 UTC
Gorgeous. I don't even know what to say. Just. Wow.


busaikko April 27 2008, 00:56:42 UTC
Thank you!


amberlynne April 20 2008, 03:17:51 UTC
Oh, that was amazing.

I'm with Rodney. Anything that could make John hurt that much is not something I would ever want to read. But I loved how you twisted it from important literature from Earth culture to that of Pegasus. Wonderful, wonderful stuff!


busaikko April 27 2008, 00:57:12 UTC
Thank you! (see, *all* my stuff isn't depressing!)


pocky_slash April 20 2008, 03:19:30 UTC
Oh wow. This was just beautiful and wonderful and a great slice of Pegasus life. I love stories that tell us more about Pegasus cultures and what they may mean to our characters, and this was just a great example of that.


busaikko April 27 2008, 00:57:35 UTC
Thank you! Would love to see more genuine Pegasus culture in canon....


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