Possible Worlds (The Quantum Mirror Remix) [House MD; Gregory House/Stacy Warner]

Apr 10, 2008 22:20

Title: Possible Worlds (The Quantum Mirror Remix)
Author: queenzulu
Summary: Sometimes he stops, takes a look around, and wonders how the hell he wandered into this life at all.
Fandom: House MD
Pairing: Gregory House/Stacy Warner, Stacy Warner/Mark Warner
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: David Shore, Bad Hat Harry Productions, and FOX Broadcasting own the characters ( Read more... )

character: gregory house, pairing: gregory house/stacy warner, character: stacy warner, remix author: queenzulu, original author: roga, fandom: house md, rating: pg

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yevgenie April 26 2008, 18:16:53 UTC
HAHAHAHA! Reading this after the reveal is comedy *gold*, man. XD

The almost-meta of the final scene might be my favorite part, too. Though I also kind of like House having to confront that in some universes, he was wrong and he *died*.


yevgenie April 26 2008, 18:17:08 UTC
.... by which I meant that comment, of course.


roga April 19 2008, 23:06:47 UTC
Oh my god, when I realized what you were doing with this a few paragraphs in I literally went OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD. This is SO FUCKING AWESOME. It’s a Quantum Mirror verse - where the characters know they’re in an alternate universe - and just. Guh.

"Hey, relax, it's me," he calmed beneath her.

OMG! Oh, House, oh, the trust. It still works. Man.

"I'm sorry," she said, "I'm sorry," and when he kissed her, she knew she was forgiven.

Eeeeee! This was the catharsis I was always looking for between those two.

and the cemetery was empty of everything except birdsong.

So beautiful.

"I thought I told you I wanted 'He Was Better Than You' on that thing," a voice said behind her.

I never squee this much in fics, I swear, but EEEEE!

And omg, I love how their conversation mirrors the one she has with his headstone in the original fic.

Stacy settled down to watch her life like a spectator, never for a moment knowing if it would end in triumph or disaster

Oh, I love this line.

"This one?" he asked. "Hasn't been used in ( ... )


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roga April 27 2008, 00:20:39 UTC


bironic April 21 2008, 17:52:23 UTC
This is so cool. Using the sci fi trope to explore not only the original fic but some of the ways in which Stacy and House could have gone was just genius.


kassrachel April 24 2008, 00:07:02 UTC
"I live here," she said. She could feel herself shaking. "Greg, what the hell is going on?"

He stopped in front of her, breathing quickly. The cane looked alien in his hands, but it was clear that he wasn't letting go of it. When she looked closely, she could see more changes--how tired he looked, how much deeper the frown-lines on his forehead and around his eyes were, the amount of grey in his beard and hair. "What--what happened?" she asked.

"You don't know," he said, and his voice was so bitter that it felt like a slap. She'd heard him angry before, more times than she could count, and they'd had plenty of shouting matches. But this was personal, as deep as the pain-lines on his face.

"Greg," she said, forcing herself to keep her voice steady. "Please, trust me. I don't know."

Oh, wow. This is amazing. I love each of these vignettes in a different way; they're beautiful, they're heartbreaking, they feel so real. I love the details, I love the way you take roga's story and twist it -- it's the same story but it isn't, it opens up ( ... )


shutterbug_12 April 28 2008, 20:26:55 UTC
I have a MASSIVE urge to flail. Massive. You have no idea. I'm usually more constructive with feedback, and maybe I'll get to it later, when my brain is kadsjl;fjakl;bvhsiulgrnjemilhersjgkulbhtudfsilkhyaewjdrsgihpobkua34wiestugjh like that. These were gorgeous. GORGEOUS. kdjfa;jfka;hlgerjag;jr

I loved the little parallel of the "ear over his heart" moments. I adore when writers include the same image at the beginning and end of a piece.

She clutched at him, fiercely, tightly, to prove he was real or because if he disappeared, she wanted to go with him. That was an incredibly heart-breaking line. And I'd imagine that whenever she thought she was ready to move on from him, something like THAT happened in her brain and she couldn't ( ... )


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