Title: Climate Change (Counting Favors Remix)
mushimimiSummary: Thanks to ever-advancing technology (and Tatsumi’s cunning ways), the Count is now able to gain maximum satisfaction when it comes to his voyeuristic desires.
Fandom: Yami no Matsuei (anime)
Pairing: Tsuzuki/Hisoka
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Everyone belongs Matsushita-sensei.
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Comments 5
You just keep telling yourself that, Count. *g*
Despite the obvious lust factor, I wonder if the Count is so enamored of Tsuzuki because, in many ways, he's more alive than people who haven't died; his pain is palpable, his attempts to hide it, his desire to help those he loves - and how easily Tsuzuki loves - all are indicators of someone who is so incredibly and painfully alive.
And there's the Count, with his candles, only watching, his participation most definitely that of a voyeur indeed - and here he is watching Hisoka begin to take steps toward "living"...
Tomorrow was going to be another long day.
Yes, I think it will be.
Thank you, Remixer! I'm delighted you chose this story, it was certainly not what I was expecting, since I've only written one story for this fandom, and so I squeed in delight. I'm still squeeing! :D
I can hardly wait to find out who you are. Thank you so much!
The connection [between original and remix] is tenuous, but I can't help thinking of the Count when I first read the original fic. So there ^^;;;
Painfully alive describes Tsuzuki perfectly.
Again, thank you so much!
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