Remix/Redux V: Changes and new rules and tentative timeline

Jan 05, 2007 12:36

There are going to be some changes this year, which will hopefully make things easier on me, which makes it more fun for everyone! Or something.

Anyway, change number one is that there will be an increase in the number of stories per fandom one needs to participate - as of this year, to participate, one will need five (5) stories of at least 500 words in at least one (1) fandom to participate.

Do not sign up if you cannot meet this requirement.

Change number two is that the minimum word count for remixes this year will be one thousand (1000) words. You will have eight weeks in which to write this remix, so do not sign up if you don’t feel you can produce one thousand words in eight weeks.

Change number three is that participants must be willing to write in at least one of their past fandoms. Last year, we added the "Will not write" category, which is great - I have past fandoms I want nothing to do with anymore, too - but we also had the problem of single-fandom folks who wanted to not write in their lone previously-written-in fandom, which made matching up hard to do, mostly because a lot of these single-fandom folks were in HP, which meant there were a lot of HP stories to remix but not quite as many people who wanted to remix them. I'm sure you can see why this is a problem.

So, when signing up, please choose one of your past fandoms as one of your three "would like to write" fandoms. As always, I try to give people what they ask for, but sometimes in matching, it doesn’t work out evenly, so everyone needs to be flexible and willing to write in a fandom that may not be their first choice. This goes for me as well, so don’t think I’m exempting myself.

You’ll still have the "will not write" option, and also the "will also write" option, so I have the best possible information when I start matching, but please remember that I do not have the yuletide matching algorithm at my disposal, and I do all matching by hand. So you will have at least one fandom in common with your assigned writer. In the past, I’ve tried to match up two or even three fandoms on occasion, but it made matching more difficult, and this is the year of making things easier.

I do not match by pairing or genre. If you only write slash, for example, I cannot guarantee you will get a remixee who only writes slash. So be aware that you are signing up for a challenge, and you may not get exactly what you expect.

Remember, if you are in a small or a really new fandom, you will have to recruit people who have written in that fandom to come with you, so that you will have someone to remix in your chosen fandom - the more people who are a match with you, the likelier it is you will get what you want.

Heroes, Studio 60, Friday Night Lights, and Torchwood people, I am looking at you.

Which brings me to change number four:

This year, there will be a Remix/Redux community on LJ, and you will be posting your own stories to the community. I will be creating a number of sockpuppet LJs (remixer1, remixer2, etc.) for people to use to post, so anonymity can be maintained. When you are ready to post, you will notify me, and I will send you a username and password to use.

The plan right now is to have people upload when they are done writing, and to have the stories waiting in the moderation queue - the exact logistics of this is still to be worked out - and then when the day comes to open the archive, the posts will all be approved. I have a team of mods to help out with this, so I don’t have to do it all alone.

What this means is that you will do your own editing and coding, and when the time comes, you will edit your story post to add your name.

It also means that feedback will be public, and can be tracked using the LJ tracking feature. Which should take care of a number of glitches in the feedback system over the years.

If anyone has suggestions about how to make this system work smoothly, feel free to comment. I’m pretty sure it should work, but it’s new for me, too, so... *crosses fingers*

Signups and informational updates will still be posted to this LJ for right now. I’ll notify you here should that change.

Here's the timeline as I envision it right now:

Signups: January 21 - February 3
Assignments sent out: by February 10
Stories due: April 7
Archive opens: April 15

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to comment here.

If you don’t know what the Remix/Redux is, or you need a refresher, here are last year’s rules and regulations. Keep in mind that the above changes have not yet been added, and the dates are different, etc. but this will give you a basic idea of what the Remix is.


remix admin, remix07

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