(Admin) Remix 2015: The Dirty Dozen

Apr 26, 2015 20:47

Yes, indeed, It is that time of year again --or, if you want to be accurate, it is slightly later than that time of year again -- but this is no time to focus on details. Remix 2015 is up and running!

Before we direct you to the page, one very important thing to note. angelgazing and I have possibly lost our minds, and are going to try to run this thing without qualifying fandoms, and instead just use the standard AO3 fandom tags. (I know you'll all miss the many, many serious discussions of what fandoms qualify, and just what criteria makes a qualifying fandom qualify, anyway.)

However, this is just a test. It's entirely possible removing qualifying fandoms will just make matching unworkable, in which case, we'll be redoing the whole thing in a couple of weeks. But if it works, it means more people can play, and also that you can be more specific about what fandoms you ask for -- no more signing up for MCU, if all you want to write is Captain America.

Couple things you guys can do to help -- use common sense when you're offering/requesting fandoms. Don't offer something completely obscure, unless you know you've got someone else you can bring along to play. Also, the number of people requesting/offering fandoms will be public as signups are happening, so you can check if you're the only person in a fandom. If it seems like you are, we'd strongly advise changing your signup -- if you don't and we can't match you, you'll just get put straight to the pinch list, and there's not even a guarantee someone there will know your fandom.

Also, the eligibility rule hasn't changed. You can only offer to be remixed in a fandom if you've written either five stories of at least 500 words, or seven stories of at least 100 words in it. And you must offer to remix in at least one fandom you're eligible to be remixed in.

The lack of qualifying fandoms is the only major change from previous years. You can read the rules and FAQ here.

I...think that's all the not fun stuff out of the way. Signups will open next Sunday -- that's May 3 -- and they'll close on May 17. After that, we'll find out if our experiment worked, or if it has, in fact, turned out to be a disaster.

If you've got questions, feel free to comment to this post, or drop us an email at remixredux (at) gmail (dot) com.

admin, remix 2015

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