Title: Continuum (the Hotel California remix)
merryishSummary: They're only getting closer.
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Original story:
8 April 2004, 3:51 p.m. by
tripoli8 Remix: (
Continuum (the Hotel California remix) )
Comments 17
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So thank YOU! =) I had a blast, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.
I like the way that you mention all of SG-1 ends up glowy. "there isn't any after, just life." A fitting ending.
Jack and Daniel are, in my heart anyway, meant to be together, but it only REALLY works for me if it all works out for the team, too. =)
Remembered to breathe.
Read remix with trepidation.
Gave a sigh of relief because yes. In the end they'll come together because they've relied on each other so long, because they've defined themselves by each other when they weren't looking. And Jack-! It's simple, really. What burden can compare to Daniel? And once he stops thinking about it... well, yes.
Daniel's grin widens. His hand is warm and strong in Jack's, his face open. "There isn't any after," he says. "Just life."
The original was a REALLY hard act to follow. tripoli8's story was heartbreaking because they've earned happiness, and none of them deserves to die alone, and of course that's the most likely way it would happen; I could only remix it because SG1 lets us have it both ways, and I needed it to be both ways.
I'm really glad you enjoyed it. =)
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