Title: All We Know of Heaven (That Which We Are Not Meant to Grasp remix)
raynosSummary: Sometimes the costs are too high but you just have to grit your teeth and go with it. In Rukongai, Rukia gets an offer from someone who hasn’t laid all his cards on the table.
Fandom: Bleach
Characters: Kuchiki Rukia, Urahara Kisuke, Shihouin Yoruichi
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Comments 2
Urahara is by turns sympathetic and manipulative in a way that's almost nasty--he's not a bad guy, he doesn't have that vibe of evil like Aizen or Mayuri, but he is so utterly RUTHLESS and considering the stakes, it's hard to say he's wrong, which just makes it worse. And better. And the ending lines--BRRRR. They are freaking HAUNTING.
I love how he fakes her out, the bastard. Yoruichi's cameo is great too. Nice positioning on the couch. ;) And Rukia is tough and brave and everything she should be. This bit--
It was painful, and such an utter waste of candy.
--especially made me laugh. He would so think that way.
I love. Thank you!
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