As i said i would, i prepared a whole post with only extras, spam, bloops, and some tricks i've been using
Is not much and i'm conscious i'm probably the less skilled player, writer or anything to be giving tricks,
but it wont hurt anyone either .. :)
So here we go, mostly showing raw images, as many needed some photoshoping to be posted ...
First is Bella's scene at the crash site
I basically just made a big residential lot with a huge hole on it and placed one of the big tower on the screen hood on the side. I imagined that would be the first thing some would notice from down the crater, and need some point of reference so it really feel like the right spot. Also a lot of lights on street level otherwise it was too dark and didn't really look like much. I just tried to avoid the sources with the camera lol
So it looked like this from ground level (i miss the Beakers house tho, but i couldn't placed it by the crash site as it should go, so just the tower had to do)
I'm using Pose/stand still A LOT to make the sim look like they are looking on some direction instead of lifelessly on front lol, just make sure to avid the silly 'smily face with camera angles while on pause
For the ship i used the ovni that comes in "The Car Pound Decorative Vehicles" set by cyclonesue. The stuff around is the Castaway extracted stuff plane wreck available at Maty.
I also used some buyable fog by Lethe_s at mts2 and some of those fire thingys under it for the show :P
(there is a another small hole under the ship for it)
But all needed retouch. As you can see the wreck is a but yellowish and its all horribly dark no matter how many lights i try to hide around, its just a barely notizable change, but enough not to notice lol
Then to make her look like crawling up and out the crater i only used the trow up animation, available with Aikea Guinea's animation paintings, in both the ship's lot and the edge at the Beakers lot
There are two of those paintings at the insiminator site (thanks to
madame_ugly who found them the other day, because i always forget where those are exactly ROFL!! ) and as much a Jaydee EP animation boxes (@ jd-movies) are a bless, i tend to end up using the paintings a lot more. Highly recommended. :)
Then Nevous founds her ...
but i only mention it, because he so cute as teen and doesn't show up enough, so here are some shots on the random outfit when i just aged him down lol
but his appearance had to be on PJs LOL!!!
always SOO CUUUTEEEE!!!! <3
Concidering sims ages, also Lazlo and Chloe were aged down at some point, tho they barely show up (and didn't take extra pictures of them)
Moving on ...
... the ambulance also came on the vehicules set...
and i just had to add a short shot of her in a clinc or whatever, so just played around with an empty used bed + Bella relaxing/day dreaming
is stiff and you can see her fees showing up, lol ... but again, angles, and some retouch if it was required.
It kind of worked lol
Next thing...
In general i'm trying to be as faithfull as possible with everyone's backgrounds, using the images that come with the game and the sims memories to make everything fit and make sense, but again ... as best as possible. (some details are just too off to be absolutely literal rofl)
For cute spam and some info on the Goths and Grunts recreations i'm using in this story, check out
this entry on my personal journal. At first i was only toying around with the idea of reposting the story, wasn't really sure if i would at all, so some stuff is a bit old and it changed a bit since posted. Also I have a past version of
the Smiths, but the only one really relevant on the sory overall is Jill, so i won't work on their past too much.
For the Goths I use this orignal snap
and did my own take aorund it, not meant to be literal again, but inspired on
and I tried to do the same with several other shots
some i haven't used yet ...
This one about Mortimer and the Calientes
is still on the list of FAILED = be back to it later ... :P
and this may spoil a bit but ehm ... i just like too much not to show it ...
I'm planing to do more when the time come with other PV scenes over time
.. same in Strangetown with the Grunts
I was using this concept as the 'old living room' tho it may not totally match concidering Ripp's age on the scene
Also played around with this idea, tho i'm never get if it suppose to be tank kid or Buzz kid with his father *shrug*
Assuming is Buzz and Tank .... I thought about taking the face mask on Buzz for all flashbacks, thinking maybe he put to mask on after Lyla left, but in the other hand he belongs to a military family, i just can't see him without the face paint, specially not as adult. Also thought, a camo pants were more fitting for Tank, so i did his recolor :)
And of course Lyla leaving shot ...
Finally there at least two original snap on the ST storytellins that show some kind of park or maybe high school?? so i use that background, showen on the teen's fight snapshot
to set up the shot of Buzz and Lyla as teenagers, but the snap i choose don't show it much
I really like this intercaccion BTw, is the cutest thing, and seams ever cuter with teenagers <3
And just in case the Lyla i'm using is a safe clone, as it doesn't screws up with the game if used lightly, but don't dare to share it as a d/l because i can't be totally sure if its safe to breed her on the long run (i've done it and may game didn't exploted, but u never know, i'll have to work on her a bit more to be absolutely sure)
A few other smal things ...
The nanny negleting the kids was a mess, beacuse she turned out to to be the nicer nanny ever ! LOL!! (i have to make her selectable just to make sure she would stay foot for a shot!! LOL)
Buck painting all round the hosue was the funnest thing i've try to do so far. All of it is detailed on
this entry back at my journal
Doing that shots i realized how easy it was to simply gather some objects that appear in short animtion and use them around the house. Some can be place on the inventory ... LOL ... will it make my game blow up!?? I'll let ya know .... ROFL!!!
That's how i got a cople of roses decoration the background on Lyla's room LOL
But I had to change Buzz aspiration for a while so i could get the smoooth talk interaccion (using only the box, the rose doesn't show up, what's the fun there then lol)
The car on one Buzz's shot going to work its all from that vehicules set .... serioulsy a must have ;)
For Buzz-in-the-past i just randomly choose a career level with insim and thought the vehicule worked well enough.
If it literally matches ... *shrug* ... i won't drive myself nuts-er being so extremly picky, :P
I thought it could very normal for a kid to use a chair/sofa to stand on it ;)
(That was done with Buck watching dishes, then moving him to the sofa on top of a magicsplay wih a hidden shelf for the height)
and for a woman to cry on her bed ... with Nap on couch animation, plus pverlay crying and again magicsplay+hidden shelves for the height
it was very hard to find a nice angle and position ...
(there didn't look like crying much)
but the biggest FAIL there was probably the scene on the bed ... ROFL!!!
(i saw a scene like that on
seasonsofchange some time ago, never forgot about it, it was great!! .... one day i'll get it right too!!)
Finally i found those broken chairs at crimsyn, thought they were perfect for a do it yourselfer like Bella ;)
Now to end with something cute as hell .... RIPP Bugging Tank!! LOL!!
guess that's all :P