Maxis_Taste Dare #15: Florence looks for love

Feb 27, 2010 10:52

This is my entry for the maxis_taste  community, Dare #15.

Florence Delarosa is looking for love, and she's narrowed it down to a handful of prospective partners. Let's see how she fares. ;)

NOTE: For some reason, Firefox cuts out after a certain number of pictures/text with things I post, so If it does it, just open it in Microsoft Internet Explorer. :( I have no idea why it only does it to me..


"Well, this has been one.. busy week."

I just scribble down my thoughts, it's a habit I've formed from my early teen hood. Mama always made me keep a diary. She always had, and so had her Mama. Anyway.

"It'd been a while since I'd last dated. Back in Junior school, If I remember right. I thought it was about time I got back out there. The isolate life is a lonely life, indeed."

"My first date was a quiet dinner out with a charming man, by the name of Julien Cooke.."


He seemed nice enough. Shy, but nice.

He ordered for me and payed and everything. He was so sweet..

Although, he seemed slightly distracted.

You know those guys who stare at you when you look away, but wont look you in the eyes? Poor fellow.

Sweet and quiet he may have been, but that gets boring. Fast. I could hear his heart beating from where I sat. I was worried he might just cack it there and then. How much can one little muscle take?

I'm never the one to act lady-like when I'm not. Eating is just one of those things that shows my slobby side. I wasn't sure if it was me..

.. or that something else was on his mind.

He muttered something about 'recipes' and 'copycats'.

A man walked out of the kitchen. From the way he was dressed, and how he carried himself, I could only guess that he owned the place. "Julien! How are you? Long time no see!"

I could see Julien tense up. His poor muscles must be used to it.

"Do you know him?" I asked.

"Yes, I know him."

"I KNEW that tasted familiar! That's MY recipe! The one you STOLE off me, you.. You thief!"

"Now, now Julien. You wouldn't want me to have to call the police now, would you? I'm sure your pretty date wouldn't like that." He had such a sleazy drawl to his voice, which stirred instant dislike from me.

"How dare you! She's mine, Zebest. You may have been able to get to my recipes, but not my girl!"

I sat there wondering where the nearest deep hole was. I felt the need to bury myself in it..


"Suffice to say, the rest of the night went downhill from there."

"The next night, I was invited to dine at Malcolm Landgraab's.. Well, I wouldn't call it a house.. Mansion?"


Now there's a man who has no spacial awareness..

I don't have much in the way of formal wear. I decided on a grey, flowy dress. It was either it or one covered in sequins. No thank you.

I was glad I went dressy. I felt like I was wasting money just breathing.

Malcolm was.. Nice, but methinks he may have trouble separating his business life from his social life. He kept asking me about my shop, almost as if he was putting feelers out. Nice, he may be, but he's never struck me as trustworthy.

I was glad I hate a bite to eat before I left. His butler was off sick..

He offered me some crackers, and cheese he didn't recognise, nor even remember buying..

I passed.

Things seemed to get a bit better. He asked me to dance, and I thought that was quite sweet.

Although, I admit I was more preoccupied, wondering why on earth he had two giant stereos in the one room. Money to spend, I guess.

I'm not a great dancer, I've never really been that into the whole dealy, but it was nice. Quite soothing and relaxing just swaying from side to side.

"Ah! You stepped on my bloody foot!" Hard. Each of my poor little toes were screaming out.

"Shi- Uh, oh. Well.."

Of course I was angry, but I was about ready to accept his apology..


"Hey, I'm not the one with two left feet!"

Grrrrrrrr, that is not the thing to say to a woman in pain. Suffice to say, I left quick-smart. Such an arrogant, insensitive man.


"I was feeling a little shaken, to be quite honest. I could only hope that the next man would have some redeeming feature."

"However, I knew not to get my hopes up. The next day I was to spend a nice day in the town with a man called Chester Gieke.."


We decided to spend a day at the local park. It was nice weather and the flowers would be in bloom. It was building up to a nice outing.

Then we happened to pass a little store I'd never seen before..

He was off. Made a bee line straight to the window.

It was a computer store. I've never been computer savvy, barely ever using them myself except for budgeting and ordering my plants. I'm pretty old fashioned that way.

He seemed almost transfixed by the window display. I had to call his name a few times before I got through to him.

He proceeded to drag me in..

He started going on about rams and see pea ewes or something, I think it had something to do with sheep?

He must have seen the confusion on my face, because he stopped and asked me "Do you use computers? Or is all this techno-blabber just going over your head?"

"Honestly Chester, I have no idea about computers..

.. Or sheep.."

After a while, I knew the chances of us getting to the park were slim, but I'm glad. Chester spent the rest of the day teaching my how those machines worked, and I had a blast. There was so much he knew that he wanted to tell.

I felt kind of stupid for thinking there were sheep involved..


"I think I learned a lot that day, and not just about computers."

"I felt happy after that date, but it soon faded after I arrived at the home of my next suitor, Cyd Roseland. He was renovating.."


And nervous as all get out.

"W-would you like some cey, or toffee? I mean! Tea? Coffee? I'm sorry, I'm a l-little all over the place at the moment."

"Ah, would you rather we reorganised this for another time?"

He looked a little shocked, "No! I mean, no it's fine. I'm sorry, uh, would you like a seat? You have a great choice. The lawn chair or the wooden box!" The poor man. He tried to lighten the atmosphere with a joke. For all his nervous shaking, he was quite funny.

He actually seemed like a nice man, but, there was a catch.

He had a little dog. As soon as I walked in the house, it started to growl at me. As we were talking, I could still hear it snarling at me.

It wasn't until he went upstairs to get something that it's true colours blared.

Nasty little thing. I've never been partial to little yappy dogs..

"S-so, sorry about that. Can I get you something to eat? Drink?"

I felt kind of sorry for him, but, it had to be done.

"Look, I think your a nice guy, but this really isn't going to work out. I think I should get going."

He just stood for a moment, before blabbering, "W-what? Why? W-was it something I did?"

"Look, It's not you..

.. It's your dog.."


"He did turn quite defensive after that. I've never got people's obsession with animals.."

"I don't think I really need to go into any detail on my next meeting."



"I would much rather forget."

"I was really at my wits end. I was almost considering just boycotting my last setup. Although, I'm very glad I didn't."


"Ah, Florence, welcome to the weird looking thing I call a house. Come on in!"

As we ate, I noticed he looked quite distant, like something was troubling him.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. "You look a little out of it."

"Ah, well, my brother went missing last night."

And he'd still gone on with our date??

"Oh my lord, that's.. Are you sure I should be here?"

"Please, I need a bit of company right now, other than preggers Pascal. He's driving me up the wall."

He gave a reassuring smile, but it only made me feel worse for him.

"Have you informed the police?"

"No," he sighed. "They can't do a thing where he's gone."

"My bro was abducted.."

"Yeah, I know it sounds like crazy shit. It's true. They took him last night, and it's just worrying us because they're usually back by now. I knew you'd have a hard time believing me."

Part of me was thinking 'Nutcase'. Another part wondering what kind of, if any, drugs he was taking. While the other half of me believed him, and felt sorry.

"I hope he comes back. Soon." I added as an afterthought.

Then it actually registered. "Wait.."

"Preggers Pascal??"

I was surprised when he burst into laughter. "Yeah, my bro is gonna be a mommy! Pretty crazy shit, huh?"

"He was abducted a while ago. He came back up the duff and we're kinda worried it might be the same case with Vid." He finished the rest of his slice of pizza and turned to me.

"I don't think I even wanna think about how the hell that thing is coming out. All I know, he's gonna be hella sore in the morning, eh."

I like Lazlo. He has this weird calmness about him. I can only guess it's chaos in this house right now, but he's cool and collected, even trying to lighten the mood.

"Want some Mountain Dew. Sorry, it's all we really have to drink in here besides cheep wine. That's Vid's. Tastes like sh-"

There was a huge roar from outside. It scared the daylights out of me, but Lazlo. He just smiled.


I followed him as he ran outside.

"Oh my God!"


"W-what just happened to me?"

"You've most likely been violated, my dear brother." Pascal smirked.

"Woohoo me dead."

We all headed back inside. The tension that had been before was gone, but I could still tell there was something bothering Lazlo.

Pascal had already started a barrage of questions. "Do you remember anything from on board?"


Do you remember if they did anything to you?"


"Did you see who was on the ship?"

"Wha- No. I don't remember anything, so how can I remember that?"

"Just checking. Just checking."

"Hey, Viddy, How's your butt? Hahaha!" I could have hit him. Vidcund looked like he wanted to.

"Not funny you little twat. Pascal tell him to keep his mouth shu- Pascal??"

"Oh god.."

As the only one who should give birth there, I was completely weirded out. Vidcund just fainted.


I'm ashamed to say I got a bit too freaked out by it all to be of any help, but Lazlo..

He was completely calm.

I was mightily impressed.

"Hey Cosmos. I'm your weird uncle Lazlo. I'm the one you can come to when your dad says 'no'."

"I'm sure your brother will appreciate the support."

"Hey, I apologise. This hasn't exactly been a great 'date'. If you don't want to see me again I underst-"



"Well, this has been one.. busy week."

I re-read through all I had written. It had been, and I had to make a choice. A second date.

I think I made the right choice.

"Hey, watcha doing sitting down there?"

"Uh, Flo? I think there may be something growing between us."

Yes, I made the right choice.


I took everyone's suggestions into consideration. :) I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it! :P

sims 2, dare

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