Title: The Fast Lane to Pain (part two)
Pairings: John, Mary, Dean (16), Sam (12), OC Rosie (mentioned)
Plot: John and Mary deal with the aftermath of Dean’s near disappearing act and foolish damage of the Impala while Dean goes on his first date while driving the car himself. While John’s whupping some major naughty Winchester butt, new factors come
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Comments 8
As for Dean blurting out he was about to have sex....what a good way to give your parents a heart attack! that was definitely not Dean's smartest move. ;)
Ahaha, I know, but is Dean ever really thinking that much where his downstairs brain's concerned? Unlikely, haha ;)
I just hope I'm not making it too harsh on him :/
I liked this part, especially when Mary came in the bedroom, hehehe.. Poor Dean though!
I'm not even going to lie, I always feel so relieved when you comment saying you like a fic I write! I uploaded part three just there but I'm not sure if I like it, it feels a bit tense :/
Thank you so much though, glad you enjoyed it!
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