FIC: "Building Things," Doctor Who, Amy/Rory, PG

Sep 23, 2011 23:22

TITLE: "Building Things"
AUTHOR: Cathryn (catslash)
WORD COUNT: Approx. 2100
SUMMARY: She said flat-out three days into their engagement that she wasn't changing her name.
CHARACTERS/PAIRING: Rory Williams, Amy Pond, Mels; Amy/Rory
RATING: PG for a bit of language
THANKS: To my flist for their input and a bit of Britpicking.
DISCLAIMER: Doctor Who ( Read more... )

doctor who, fic

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Comments 18

littlestclouds September 24 2011, 14:40:17 UTC
Well I have only a vague idea of who these people are, but I liked this!


remindmeofthe September 24 2011, 17:49:21 UTC
Heh, thanks. I love when my friends read my fic despite not being too familiar with the fandom. It gives me a happy. :D


just_ann_now September 24 2011, 23:41:57 UTC
A thoughtful characterization of Rory. I enjoyed this very much.


remindmeofthe September 25 2011, 03:12:26 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked.


a_phoenixdragon September 27 2011, 05:15:52 UTC
Absolutely perfect, it really is!! This is so damned RORY it made me ache and the fact that he realised the Doctor had it right all along and that they can share a name and it be just as wonderful...

Beautifully done, sweetie. Love the way you wrote this - Rory has always been a fav of mine (Amy is a given, lol!) and you have written him to perfection!

*hugs you tight*



remindmeofthe November 3 2011, 02:04:48 UTC
Thank you! Wow, sorry for the lateness of my reply, that always seems to happen with me after a certain point. XD

I felt really comfortable with writing Rory for this fic - he's a comfortable kind of character with a POV closer to ours than we'd like to admit (c'mon, how many of us would really be instantly awesome at travelling with the Doctor?), but he's also more complex than that. I wanted to nudge at him and help him expand his horizons a little bit more, and he was very accepting of it.


stars_inthe_sky August 4 2016, 21:25:46 UTC
Revisited this after who-knows-how-long and realized I'd never left a comment to say how very much I like it!


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