
Sep 03, 2007 00:07


Semi-hiatus from this journal.
I've been mostly keeping an eye on lj drama related things on my other journal (remeyblue) which is a semi secret thingy lol
Anyways, any major updates I'll come in on this, or you can see me on deviantart.

I'd rather say hiatus than let this dribble off to nothingness. I don't write anything interesting and nobody ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

teryl_brat42 September 3 2007, 14:22:19 UTC
*tackles you naked* I get the same feeling all the time and figure I should comment more but I'm just flat out rarely here an when I am I only go to the end of my first flist page or I'd be reading 5-6 pages every time I get on. Sorry if I missed some important stuff and thank you for sending me drunken texts!


grimshear September 3 2007, 14:47:49 UTC
There are some who don't get much contact with you at all any more and rather much look forward to the little snippits we get via LJ here, even if they do sort of disappear.


capedmre September 3 2007, 16:28:44 UTC
The lonesome friends tend to lurk without always commenting tis true...
But it's a way to keep in some form of contact with those of us slickered on obscure time zone differences and the like... ;)


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