Mar 01, 2008 11:48
so i don't really mind being an asshole
so long as i have limbs and fire and feet
and i don't really mind that i hang up
and hang around for days just feeding me
but i do mind the cloud of smoke
i emanate each time i speak.
if it's worth much, i'll give you the time of day
next time we meet.
Feb 10, 2008 00:20
i think what i said was "i've gotta stop drinking so many cigarettes"
Feb 08, 2008 12:54
"why would you lie bout how much coal you have?
why would you lie bout something dumb like that?
why would you lie bout anything at all?
...little john, he always tells the truth."
Dec 23, 2007 10:40
--at the food lion
[in no way can this be construed as admitting to something that very possibly will not be reiterated at a later date.] i don't have feelings towards --
cause i'm slim shady
yes i'm the real shady
and all you other slim shadys are just imitating
Dec 11, 2007 05:43
i'm dreaming of a 78 degree christmas...
Nov 17, 2007 21:38
...or heartburn
my methods of stress reduction
are self destructive
and unproductive
Nov 10, 2007 21:50
you can borrow my vibe
and make a killing too
and never ask me why
but i will answer you