Dec 08, 2009 23:06
Submit all the prompts in this post please. Please submit the prompts in alphabetical order. My organizational skills will love you for it. LOL
You may submit as many prompts as you want. If you submit a couple, then think of more, please add the new prompts in a new comment, don't edit or respond to your existing comment. Will be easier for me to find it, and LJ to notify me of a new comment.
When submitting a prompt do it in this format:
Character/character, prompt
Character, prompt
Character&character, prompt
For example
Hilary/Jeff, christmas
Doug/CJ, wartime
Gertie, phone
Scott&maple, party.
/ means relationship pairing (het, slash, gen. sex or no, but characters are in a relationship)
& means friendship pairing. (i.e no sex, or no relationship. The characters are friends)
The prompts themselves can be as specific or vague as you want. Sometimes the muse sees a word and goes in a direction you didn't even think of. That's what's so fun!
I will keep the prompt submission post open until February 1st. So that gives you plenty of time to get all the current holiday fic fests out of the way and have time to work on this one in Feb!
Ok, get to prompting!!! and USE your imagination. Frankly, since we're all adults here.. het, slash, gen anything goes! Lets get some new fic happening in wenn fandom!