Jan 19, 2008 10:52
Padmé Naberrie Amidala woke up early, as was her habit (there was too much to do to waste the day sleeping, most of the time) and was immediately aware of her lack of handmaidens.
Didn't really matter to her, considering she could absolutely fend for herself (having bodyguards was sort of ridiculous -- she wasn't queen anymore, and who'd want to off a senator from Naboo?) and she could probably do her own hair.
It took her awhile, but she managed it. And thankfully she hadn't had any problems with her dress. Sometimes they were a little hard to get into.
[Yeah, Evey's Padmé from Star Wars. Open for the roomie or anyone else, and EXTREEEEEEEEEEME SLOWPLAY.]
room 316,
...i'm luke's mommy. wow.