...Because, you know, those heathens certainly weren't polytheists or anything. I think their Neo-Pagan counterparts, most of whom I assume to be more liberal politically, will be surprised to learn that they actually belong to the Church of Godlessness. As a theist of sorts (if panentheism can be said to be a kind of theism) I'm pretty surprised myself. I'm sure liberal Jews, Christians and Muslims must be the most surprised.
Ann Coulter explains it all in her new book
Godless: The Church of Liberalism, which hits the shelves today (In case you've been in a cave with no calendar, today's date is 06/06/06). It's a good thing she wrote this, because I was under the impression that we liberals are quite religiously diverse. Evidently, "Liberals love to boast that they are not ‘religious.’" OK, now I'm confused, because I know plently of liberals that claim to be religious. It must have all been a rouse to trick People Of Faith into voting for them. Those dastardly liberals!
Oh, wait, now I remember. Ann Coulter is full of it. And full of herself, too, if one is to judge books by their covers. Of Coulter's five novels (because they're certainly not non-fiction), four of them have her picture right there on the front. But I shouldn't argue ad homenim; that's be stooping to her level.
I don't even know why I'm surprised. Conservativism has been trying for years to claim religion as it's own, so conflating liberalism with atheism shouldn't shock me. Unfortunately Coulter's false them-versus-us dichotomy is sure to appeal to conservatives. They can't understand and accept diversity among people in general, why expect them to recognize the vast religious and non-religious diversity among liberals?
All the more reason for us to fight the good fight, I suppose. I, as a religious liberal, intend to keep raising hell (so to speak) until our existance is recognized. Even conservatives can't ignore the truth when it's looking them in the eyes. They do try so hard to ignore it, though, don't they?