Gwen decided at some point that poking around was quite enough, and set herself on showing up unexpectedly to the Christmas party she had caught wind of. It seemed like a fairly logical step. She wasn't convinced the Doctor would remember her, but it was a glimmering hope, and curiosity to meet Reinette after Anna mentioned her got the best of Gwen.
She certainly hadn't packed expecting to attend any sort of Christmas do, and showed up at the TARDIS door in jeans and trainers and a jacket not quite appropriate for the weather.
Standing outside the blue box, Gwen wasn't quite sure how to proceed. So she knocked soundly on the TARDIS door.
The knock was firm, but polite. The sort that Reinette favored herself. And on time as well. She never could quite favor the concept of fashionably late. There was far too much to do, and see,
It was a strangers face that the door was opened to.
Gwen started as the door opened, and she was greeted by an unfamiliar face; quite simply, one of the most gorgeous creatures Gwen had ever seen.
She forced an awkward smile, suddenly aware of how out of place she felt. But she mustered her courage, and slipped into the warm, inviting lights of the TARDIS.
"Cheers," Gwen offered. Not sure how else to proceed, she stuck out her hand in greeting. "Thank you for having me. I'm Gwen."
"Gwen," Reinette seemed to test the name and its saying, as well as her own memories associated with it. All the while she met her guests hand with a firm connection of greeting. She had lived here for three years now, and was more modern than one might expect.
The Doctor straightened his ascot, picked out a new cane, and headed into the console room. Three years in France, three years in this world.
Strange, how time moved by.
"Did you know that mistletoe dates back to the early 12th century? Underneath the mistletoe branches, warriors would lay down their arms for the holidays. It's evolved a bit since then into more romantic aisles of thinking."
From her place near the console a delicate eyebrow was raised. Her fingers continued to brush over the multitude of glowing lights. Reinette's gaze took in his attire with quiet approval.
"But surely lovers are warriors as well, in their own way." She smiled now, considering their own battled through the years.
"And a kiss beneath the greenery just another way to set those arms aside in favor of another kind. Perhaps it is no so evolved as one might think."
Oh, but only Reinette could make such a simple thing as Christmas decorations change the whole of the TARDIS, and by a few words make them all that more magical. He'd never been one for staying still, even for a few days, but he found himself looking forward to Christmases with her.
"Perhaps not. And what of you, warrior? Shall I die by your hand which I love so well?"
He grinned, then held a branch of mistletoe over their heads.
She laughed then, smoothing the lines of her gown in a habit that would never fully leave her. Christmas came early this year, with the restoration of the TARDIS. Their spirits mutually lifted was merely another gift.
Reinette took another step closer.
"Beware ever repeating such a tactical error again. It is never wise to inform those you are engaged in battle with what your weaknesses might be. This is the hand that you love?"
She placed it between them, illuminated by the glowing lights of the console. The she lifted it to cover his own hand above, and the mistletoe it held until both were obscured.
"I need no reason to kiss you Doctor, other than you, yourself. Besides, do you truly wish to place the battle aside?"
That said, she slanted her mouth briefly over his own.
Fitz sort of hovered at the TARDIS door, wondering if he should run around after his Doctor, first. But then, it was possible he was here, and it was possible alcohol was here, so knock he did.
Poor Fitz, standing outside a TARDIS, Doctor-less. Obviously he must be lonely, terribly lonely.
Someone has to solve this problem, and John happens to be just bored enough to try. Approaching, he drapes an arm over the other man's shoulders. "Hello, my luxurious chimney. Been waiting long, have we?"
Anna had pulled out the periwinkle-colored dress she'd worn the previous year, along with the shoes she was sure to kill herself in, and spent about fifteen minutes attempting to tame her hair before declaring it a lost battle before skipping from her TARDIS to the one the ill-tempered Doctor shared with Reinette. She wished that Louis would be there, but Reinette's smiling face would be enough. It always cheered her up.
Instead of knocking, she pushed the door open a little way and stuck her head inside, calling out "Happy Christmas!"
Gwen peered across the room, catching the sight of frizzed hair and the sweet, friendly face of Anna Walsh. She made her way across the console room towards Anna.
"Merry Christmas!" She greeted. "Oh, Anna, you look lovely!"
Anna beamed and bounced all the way inside. "Thank you!" she enthused, turning red around the ears. "Isn't this such a pretty dress? I don't even think it's from Earth! I found it in the wardrobe of my Doctor's TARDIS."
"It's beautiful," Gwen agreed enthusiastically. "I bet he has clothes from all kinds of places." She looked down at her own clothes, feeling a bit strange in her day to day garb. "Too bad I didn't know there was going to be a party, I didn't have anything to wear!"
Jack had also caught wind of a Christmas party, and gone outside to find it. He, like Gwen, was also not exactly dressed up--he was still in his trousers, white shirt, and vest, though he'd put his coat back on for the occasion. He thought he'd seen someone going inside a particular TARDIS, so he went up to it and knocked on the door, then cleared his throat and waited.
Comments 183
She certainly hadn't packed expecting to attend any sort of Christmas do, and showed up at the TARDIS door in jeans and trainers and a jacket not quite appropriate for the weather.
Standing outside the blue box, Gwen wasn't quite sure how to proceed. So she knocked soundly on the TARDIS door.
It was a strangers face that the door was opened to.
She smiled in greeting.
"Please come in from the cold."
She forced an awkward smile, suddenly aware of how out of place she felt. But she mustered her courage, and slipped into the warm, inviting lights of the TARDIS.
"Cheers," Gwen offered. Not sure how else to proceed, she stuck out her hand in greeting. "Thank you for having me. I'm Gwen."
Suddenly her features lightened.
"You are Jack's friend."
Strange, how time moved by.
"Did you know that mistletoe dates back to the early 12th century? Underneath the mistletoe branches, warriors would lay down their arms for the holidays. It's evolved a bit since then into more romantic aisles of thinking."
"But surely lovers are warriors as well, in their own way." She smiled now, considering their own battled through the years.
"And a kiss beneath the greenery just another way to set those arms aside in favor of another kind. Perhaps it is no so evolved as one might think."
"Perhaps not. And what of you, warrior? Shall I die by your hand which I love so well?"
He grinned, then held a branch of mistletoe over their heads.
"Christmas tradition, Madame?"
Reinette took another step closer.
"Beware ever repeating such a tactical error again. It is never wise to inform those you are engaged in battle with what your weaknesses might be. This is the hand that you love?"
She placed it between them, illuminated by the glowing lights of the console. The she lifted it to cover his own hand above, and the mistletoe it held until both were obscured.
"I need no reason to kiss you Doctor, other than you, yourself. Besides, do you truly wish to place the battle aside?"
That said, she slanted her mouth briefly over his own.
Someone has to solve this problem, and John happens to be just bored enough to try. Approaching, he drapes an arm over the other man's shoulders. "Hello, my luxurious chimney. Been waiting long, have we?"
"Just fine, thanks."
"The wait's been fine? Because you're rather fine and I know I am, but that is fairly obvious."
Instead of knocking, she pushed the door open a little way and stuck her head inside, calling out "Happy Christmas!"
"Merry Christmas!" She greeted. "Oh, Anna, you look lovely!"
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