-blowing off the cobwebs- Idol intentions...

Nov 17, 2015 14:49

There have been a lot of times that I've written here with intention. A want to inspire. Create. Love. Rant. BreatheWhen I first started, a little more than fifteen years ago, I wanted to cure an incurable loneliness ( Read more... )

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Comments 23

halfshellvenus November 17 2015, 21:17:11 UTC
Glad to see you back again, hopefully for a little while longer this time. I've sure missed you!


rejeneration November 17 2015, 21:41:44 UTC
Hi sweetheart! I'm going to give it my all, I swear! =D I've been working on Nano this year, and while I know I'm not going to "win" it, it's the most I've done on this particular project in years. =D I only mention it in that... I'm hoping for a little more staying power this time, here, too! ;D

I've never really gotten much further than week 15 or 16, so I'm shooting for anything beyond that! I know that's not extremely far, but I've grown to realize that if I set smaller goals for myself, I do better overall! =D

I've missed you, too, hon! <3 I hope all is right in the world!


talon November 17 2015, 21:44:11 UTC


rejeneration November 17 2015, 22:20:43 UTC
I feel like I can outdo this! ;D

<3 <3 <3!! BwaHA!


talon November 17 2015, 22:24:09 UTC
we gonna write together?


rejeneration November 17 2015, 22:25:46 UTC
I sure hope so! We damn well better! Do I have to threaten you? -digs around for something remotely shankish-


wpadmirer November 18 2015, 00:38:32 UTC
Enjoy LJIdol!


rejeneration November 18 2015, 02:49:29 UTC
Thank you, hon! You too?? =DD


wpadmirer November 28 2015, 22:59:15 UTC
Oh, no. It's not for me. I way too shy and retiring. (grin)


yachiru November 18 2015, 02:35:14 UTC
Awesome! Thought about joining but am on the fence.


rejeneration November 18 2015, 02:49:54 UTC
Get off that fence, and get on in haire! ;D

You won't regret it, I promise you!


gratefuladdict November 18 2015, 18:22:09 UTC
Oh please oh please oh please! Do it!!!


rejeneration November 19 2015, 23:12:56 UTC
Done, and all your fault! <3 Thank you, sweetheart.


digitalwave November 18 2015, 05:00:08 UTC
It's really good to see you, sweetie. :)


rejeneration November 18 2015, 13:06:21 UTC
Hi, sweetheart! <33333 It's so good to see you, too!!

I was thinking, I got your little notification that you'd commented this morning on my phone, and I thought, "Wow, this is making you very happy (this = coming back to write for a bit)." LJ sometimes gives me a bit of the ol' PTSD (HA! ;D), but... you should know how happy you made me feel! -SQUISH-


digitalwave November 22 2015, 07:59:58 UTC
Knowing that just made my day, sweetie. :)

*hugs back*


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