Drabble: Ask

Mar 29, 2007 15:55

Title: Ask
Prompt: #82 - If
Rating: G
Claim: Ten/Tardis
Spoilers: None
Notes: Post-Doomsday. (Which I don't usually write, but what can I say, I was feeling maudlin.) Written for the doctorwho_100 challenge (Prompts are here.)

What if?

They all ask, eventually. What if we just? and Why can’t we? and How do you know?, and he explains it to them using small ideas and smaller words and they have to listen, don’t they, because he’s the Time Lord.

He just knows.

I listen, too: to his footsteps in empty rooms, his breath carefully measured, all the time carefully controlled, and the ache underneath that he can’t explain away with small words, not to himself.

I listen to him because I have to, but I can’t help asking, too.

What if none of this ever happened?

fic, tardis, ten/tardis, ten, doctorwho100, dr who

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