sunday brunch with skylar.

Dec 08, 2013 22:09

Hung over, hair sticking up in all sorts of unacceptable direction, pillow marks still relatively visible on his face, Reid managed to drag himself out of bed and into respectable(ish) clothes, stopping by the bathroom just long enough to brush his teeth and splash some water on his face, attempting to rub away the red from his eyes (nevermind the ( Read more... )

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skylar_x December 9 2013, 04:46:02 UTC
Skylar had been up just long enough the brush out her long brown hair, pull on a fresh pair of leggings, and brew a cup of coffee. With out caffeine the girl was practically a vegetable. There was a three cup a day minimum.

"You know I always look fantastic," she assured him, wrapping her favorite mint scarf around her neck. The coffee had helped but there was still a dull throb in her head that only pancakes could fix. "And you look just adorable, as usual."


reidinggg December 14 2013, 15:16:23 UTC
"If I should be so lucky," Reid rolled his eyes, dramatically leaning back in his seat and sipping at the last inch of mimosa at the bottom of his glass.

"Don't worry, as always you can count on me to be all eyes and ears. And probably a few drinks too deep," he shrugged.


skylar_x December 14 2013, 15:43:12 UTC
"My number one guy," she told him, winking.

And Skylar meant it too. There was nothing that could make her doubt Reid or turn away from him. They had stuck together for nearly fifteen years at this point. Not even Harry Potter could change that.

"And we'll both look fabulous while discovering everyone's secrets. Nobody said we had to be flies on the wall."


reidinggg December 14 2013, 16:17:31 UTC
"And don't you forget it," Reid replied, returning the wink. Not that he ever doubted she would. Theirs wasn't a friendship easily rattled.

"As if we could ever look anything but," he agreed lightly, flicking an imaginary lock of hair over his shoulder with an exaggerated flourish. "We're too damn pretty to go unnoticed."


skylar_x December 14 2013, 16:23:45 UTC
"Yes we are. But if we don't go home and shower, society may start to double that," Skylar teased, pulling at a strand of her long hair for proof. It may not have been greasy, but her curls from the night before were limp and sad.

"Did I mention how happy I am that this flat has separate bathrooms?"


reidinggg December 14 2013, 17:22:46 UTC
"What, you mean you don't miss fighting for mirror space? Or my leaving the seat up or the toothpaste uncapped?" he asked, feigning indignation.

Reid wouldn't exactly have called himself a slob, but, well, there were certain habits (or lack thereof) with regards to cleanliness that got picked up and were hard to shake after seven years of bunking with teenage boys. Not that he'd ever been particularly organized to begin with, if his father had anything to say about it.


skylar_x December 15 2013, 06:06:17 UTC
"I miss it just as much as you miss me leaving my hair straightener plugged in and eyeliner on the vanity," she countered, tucking her hair behind her ear.

The two could bicker like an old married couple - screaming one minute and then curled up on the sofa catching up on each other's days. Yes, he was a bit of a sob and she was a little careless. The separate bathrooms definitely helped keep harmony.


reidinggg December 15 2013, 08:05:52 UTC
"That is just a safety hazard," Reid interjected, pointing a stern finger at her, "and if you think I haven't still been checking your bathroom to unplug that damn thing when you leave then you must not know me at all because you're sorely mistaken. I like this flat and I'd rather have it uncharcoaled, thank you very much."


skylar_x December 15 2013, 17:02:29 UTC
Skylar grinned and playfully batted her eyes at him, with her usual over dramatic flair.

"You also do it because you love me!" she teased, "Just like I tuck you in after you've fallen asleep on to sofa with the television still on."


reidinggg December 15 2013, 17:31:10 UTC
Which, admittedly, was something he often found himself doing. He had a rather tumultuous relationship with sleep, had always regarded its apparent necessity with an annoyance bordering on straight hatred.

So he often found himself staying up, binging on documentaries and history channel features, stubbornly fighting the tiredness that would eventually win out. No matter what state he fell asleep in, he'd almost always wake up with a blanket pulled up to his chin.

He sighed with a similar dramatic flair. "I don't know how I'll ever manage to live without you when you finally decide to ditch me."


skylar_x December 15 2013, 19:08:54 UTC
"How could I ever ditch you? We'll be living together when we're seventy with our twenty cats, Christmas decorations still up in July, laughing at the old fools in the nursing homes," she told him firmly.

Really, Skylar couldn't imagine life with out Reid safely on the other side of her bedroom wall. Summer and Winter Holidays had been absolute torture with him in a completely separate town. They would owl every day and Skylar would floo over whenever her parents would allow. Of course, as they got older the visits became more frequent as she gained more trust and independence.


reidinggg December 16 2013, 03:03:02 UTC
"I thought we'd agreed on twenty-five cats?" Reid frowned mockingly ( ... )


skylar_x December 16 2013, 03:12:49 UTC
"Those extra five come from the unexpected liter of Doctor Mew and Meowly Cyrus," she reminded him in a very dramatic fashion.

They really were already like a couple. As close as The Ravenclaws had been, there was no denying the bond between Skylar and Reid.

"You know, I think we need a cat now. Can we get a cat?" Skylar gave him her puppy-dog eyes.


reidinggg December 16 2013, 05:02:56 UTC
Reid blinked blankly back at her for a moment. "You know, we do need a cat. Why even don't we already have a cat?"

He genuinely had no argument to offer. Clearly getting a family pet was something they should have done ages ago - well, relative ages, seeing as their first two flats out of school had had strict pet policies.

"That's it," Reid declared, slamming his hand down on the table (ignoring the accusing glance he received from the bitch-faced woman a few tables down from theirs). "Next week. We're getting a cat."


skylar_x December 16 2013, 05:15:34 UTC
The two had always talked about getting a cat for their flat. Skylar had made the silly mistake of getting an owl for school when she was younger.

"A cat!" she cheered, clapping her hands together loudly. That bitched-face woman threw her the stink eye for the fifth time that morning. But Skylar was too excited to contain herself. "We owe ourself a fur baby."


reidinggg December 17 2013, 07:45:14 UTC
"I mean, if we plan on having twenty five by the time we hit seventy, exponentially speaking, he should probably have started with at least the one by now," Reid argued sensibly, as if either of them needed excuses or convincing.

"It only makes sense."


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