sunday brunch with skylar.

Dec 08, 2013 22:09

Hung over, hair sticking up in all sorts of unacceptable direction, pillow marks still relatively visible on his face, Reid managed to drag himself out of bed and into respectable(ish) clothes, stopping by the bathroom just long enough to brush his teeth and splash some water on his face, attempting to rub away the red from his eyes (nevermind the ( Read more... )

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skylar_x December 9 2013, 04:46:02 UTC
Skylar had been up just long enough the brush out her long brown hair, pull on a fresh pair of leggings, and brew a cup of coffee. With out caffeine the girl was practically a vegetable. There was a three cup a day minimum.

"You know I always look fantastic," she assured him, wrapping her favorite mint scarf around her neck. The coffee had helped but there was still a dull throb in her head that only pancakes could fix. "And you look just adorable, as usual."


skylar_x December 10 2013, 04:08:39 UTC
Whenever Reid laughed like that, it was contagious. Skylar's laugher grew more intense in the way that shakes the body and it actually incredibly silent.

"I'm forever in your debt and I owe you a new shirt," she promised, taking a sip of her drink.


reidinggg December 10 2013, 04:56:29 UTC
"I mean, I got a shirt out of it. It just...doesn't fit right. Too big, color doesn't suit me. And I have no idea where it came from."

He shrugged, finally grabbing at the menu in front of him, rather pointlessly flipping it open. He'd be getting the eggs benedict with a side of sausage and extra homestyle potatoes, obviously. But still, perusing the menu for the sake of brushing off all other subpar options was part of the tradition.


skylar_x December 10 2013, 05:01:47 UTC
"We'll have to go shopping," she assured him, setting her drink back down.

Skylar looked over the menu, even though she knew what she was getting. Every Sunday Skylar treated herself to the breakfast sampler - two pancakes, two eggs, bacon, sausage, homestyle potatoes. Her mouth was watering.

"I need extra pancakes this week. Somehow two doesn't seem sufficient to soak up this hang over."


reidinggg December 10 2013, 16:35:08 UTC
"Better make that double extra, you know I'll just end up eating half of them anyway," he shrugged shamelessly.

Sure, he could have been ordering his own short stack. But they always seemed to taste better when they were being snatched from across the table, the added challenge of making it past her swatting hands somehow a better seasoning than any type of syrup.


skylar_x December 10 2013, 16:53:49 UTC
Skylar was about the roll her eyes and their usual server came around to the table.

"The usual?" she asked, already noticing that they had finished off the first round of drinks. "And two more mimosas?"

This was one of the reasons they liked it here. Skylar liked the service and she liked being remembered. The two of them weren't any other type of customer here.

"Better make everything doubled. It was a really rough morning," Skylar admitted, handing over her menu. Really, she wasn't even sure why they bothered giving them a menu at all.


reidinggg December 10 2013, 17:36:05 UTC
Reid nodded his approval to Skylar's good call, handing back his own menu. "Heavy on the hollandaise," he added. As if he would have ever gone light on the stuff. He would have sipped it through a straw if it had been at all appropriate.

He laid back in his chair as their waiter walked off, stretching his legs out beneath the table. "Any plans for the rest of the day, then?" he asked, letting his gaze wander across the room, casually observing the crowd.


skylar_x December 10 2013, 17:46:53 UTC
Skylar leaned froward, propping herself up on her elbows. It may not be proper manners but she was far too hung over to care.

"Actually, I was thinking of popping in on Harry this afternoon," she admitted, giving Reid a knowing look.

Her relationship with Harry had been interesting, thus far. Mostly late night hook ups that never pulled through into the morning. It wasn't often they saw each other in the day light, but when they did, he was pulling her off to a secluded area.


reidinggg December 10 2013, 19:44:51 UTC
"Oh boy, here we go," Reid rolled his eyes, a small smile still pulling at his lips despite himself.

If there was anything that had been a constant in his and Skylar's long friendship, it was that things always came back to Harry freakin' Potter. From schoolgirl crush to hero-worship admiration to, as things now seemingly stood, booty call/fuck buddy dynamics, he had always taken up some kind of space in Skylar's life. Reid had never particularly understood what all the fuss was about, but he did get a kick out of hearing about his girl's exploits.

He wasn't, however, so much a fan of the imbalance he knew existed where the two's feelings were concerned. It was all fun and games until Skylar's emotions got fucked with.


skylar_x December 10 2013, 19:49:03 UTC
"I need to re-establish myself. I told you about his little run in with Ginerva," Skylar told him, giving him a knowing look, eyebrows pitched.

It was true, Skylar had returned their fifth year after DA practice over the moon when Harry had kissed her. She was practically squealing. But then Ginny had moved in....Skylar was pushed aside.

"I will not be pushed aside all over again, Reid."


reidinggg December 10 2013, 21:14:32 UTC
Reid sighed, shaking his head. "No, I reckon you won't be. I'm still of the opinion that he doesn't deserve you and you shouldn't bother, but-" he raised his hands in surrender, eyebrows hitching up, "-what do I know."


skylar_x December 10 2013, 21:28:23 UTC
"If it doesn't work out this time around, I promise to give up on him, okay?"

Skylar reached her arm across the table, extending her pinky finger. They had always pinky promised anything that mattered.


reidinggg December 10 2013, 23:37:50 UTC
Reid narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her before grabbing her pinky with his. Pinky promises were sacred. If there was anything that would get her off the Harry train for good, this was it.

Not that he was hoping it wouldn't work out. But after everything, he had simply grown wary of the Boy Who Lived's intentions. The last thing he wanted was a repeat of the emotional wreckage of their fifth year on his hands.



skylar_x December 11 2013, 02:26:38 UTC
They locked pinkies for a minute, Skylar meeting his gaze. This was it. Set in stone.

As much as she pined over him, it was true that the girl owned it to herself to move past him if it didn't work out. She had already lost too many years, missed out on so many opportunities.

"Then it's settled."


reidinggg December 11 2013, 14:40:41 UTC
He smacked a sealing kiss against his side of their interlocked hands, pulling back just in time to greet the waiter who had returned with their mimosa refills and much-needed platefuls of heart-stopping sustenance.

"Ugh, brilliant, thank you." Reid turned hungrily to the magnificent display that was the plate that had just been slid in front of him, already picking up his knife and fork and bracing himself for the oncoming attack.


skylar_x December 11 2013, 15:04:17 UTC
Skylar leaned back, eyes wide with anticipation, as her plates (yes, multiple) were set out in front of her. There was even another round of drinks brought to their table.

"Wonderful. This looks great," she said, immediately picking up a crispy piece of bacon.


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