closed: we're adopting

Jan 22, 2014 17:12

They had been talking about it for months. Jokingly, at first, something that one of them had brought up on a drunken whim. It had become a bit of a running joke for a while. But then the idea had started to stick, to be thrown out as an actual suggestion rather than a humorous jab. Then they had gotten rather attached to it, to the hypothetical ( Read more... )

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skylar_x January 22 2014, 23:39:11 UTC
Skylar hadn't really seen much of the flat since being brought home on Sunday afternoon. After all, her room had an attached bathroom and both Harry and Reid had taken up to doting on her every need. There hadn't been any reason for her to step out of the safety of her bedroom really.

Sometime around midday her and Harry had fallen asleep again. Well, Harry had. Skylar was staring at the ceiling, listening to the sound of his breathing to calm her down.

The door slammed and she winced, sitting up quickly.

But then Reid's familiar and comforting voice followed and Skylar relaxed, pulling herself out of bed. She straightened out her favorite navy pullover sweatshirt as she headed out towards the living room, her dark brown hair a mess of curls.

"Reid? What is it?" she asked, catching sight of the little bundle that he was carrying in his arms. A smile pulled at her lips before she could stop herself.


skylar_x January 26 2014, 19:35:01 UTC
Doctor Mew was exactly what Skylar needed to lift her spirits, a new little bundle to obsess and fawn over. They now had something look forward to coming home to, curl up with, take care of. It was a reason for her to get out of bed in the morning.

"I love him already," she assured him, leaning back against him as their kitten played between their laps, amusing himself as he tested his limits jumping from leg to leg.

"I think we should toast to him. We have a new bottle of wine in the fridge-"


reidinggg January 26 2014, 21:40:58 UTC
"Well, you know me. Not one to turn down a toast," he grinned, gingerly urging Doctor Mew back onto Skylar's lap before bouncing up off the couch and toward the kitchen.

"It's been a long shit day, anyway, I probably would've jumped on it even without your permission," he called, only partially kidding as he pulled the bottle out of the fridge and gathered up the bottle opener and two glasses.


skylar_x January 26 2014, 22:19:40 UTC
When Reid moved back into the kitchen Skylar shifted, her back against the arm of the couch and she pulled her legs up and crossed them in front of her. Doctor Mew pawed at her, spinning circles before finally settling down into crook of her legs, already worn out from the excitement.

"It's been a shit week," she corrected him, "We might need more than just one bottle."

Skylar was only half joking.


reidinggg January 27 2014, 00:26:43 UTC
"Let's be honest, it's been a shit year so far," Reid corrected in turn as he slid over the back of the couch, set the glasses on the coffee table and got to work uncorking the bottle.

"We could use an entire wine cellar, really," he said as the cork slipped out with an audible 'pop', the twitch of a goofy smile tugging at his lips as he watched Doctor Mew settle with a tiny kitten sigh into the nest-like crook of Skylar's lap.

"So, y'know. A toast, a bottle, a liquor store. Whatever."


skylar_x January 27 2014, 00:45:38 UTC
"Not all of it has been so bad," she mused, her head nodding towards her closed bedroom door where Harry was no doubt snoring away blissfully.

As bad as the last three weeks had been she couldn't hate all of it, not when her love life was finally looking up. Somehow waking up next to Harry ever morning made up for all the terrible things.


reidinggg January 27 2014, 02:34:52 UTC
"We are not talking about that," Reid interjected, the slightest crease appearing between his eyebrows as he caught the look Skylar threw towards her closed bedroom door.

"Not with the child present," he added, pointedly glancing at Doctor Mew, who was now adorably all but snoring in Skylar's lap.

Granted, he was glad for anything that was making Skylar happy these days, for anything that served as any kind of distraction or reprieve-

But did her happiness really have to come with his bumping into a half-dressed Harry Potter while he was running late in the morning, toothbrush hanging from his mouth, one sock missing, scrambling into the kitchen to silence the whistling kettle he'd all but forgotten about in his scrambling hurry-

He finished topping off both glasses (five ounces shmive ounces) and handed one over to her, quirking up an eyebrow.

"To Doctor Mew?"


skylar_x January 27 2014, 16:39:24 UTC
Skylar laughed, shaking her head as she pretended to cover Doctor Mew's ears, which were about double the size of his head and absolutely adorable.

It was going to take more than just a Sunday afternoon team up to save her life or a few days under the same roof to warm him up to Harry after all these years. Though, it was definitely a step in the right direction that nobody had thrown any more punches-

"To Doctor Mew and all the joy he will bring us," Skylar said, raising her glass carefully.


reidinggg January 28 2014, 02:35:44 UTC
Reid didn't quite dare to clink his glass against Skylar's (so maybe he had overdone it a bit with practically overflowing pour), instead going straight for a celebratory sip (or chug, really) to clear the spill-zone line.

Doctor Mew had properly conked out in Skylar's lap at this point, a soft kitten purr rolling out of him. Reid couldn't help the goofy grin that spread across his face as he watched him, apparently already properly settled into his new home.

"I would wonder why it took us this long to get around to this, but clearly it was because we were waiting for this one to be ready for us," he said with a firm nod, quietly so as to not wake him, taking another long sip from his glass - it really hadn't been a long fucking day/week/month.


skylar_x January 28 2014, 15:37:26 UTC
Skylar was careful not to spill as she brought the glass back down towards her lips. The last thing they needed was to drench The Doctor in merlot on his first night in his new home. That probably wasn't the best way to instill trust and comfort in this little guy.

"He's absolutely perfect for us," she agreed, watching him affectionately. "He's already too clever for his own good, you know."


reidinggg January 28 2014, 17:41:20 UTC
Reid nodded slowly, a fond smile glued to his face as he glanced down at their new little bundle of adorableness over the rim of him glass. His eyebrows shot up, however, as a thought occured to him.

"We're going to have to kitty-proof the place-" he said, glancing around at the glaring potential hazards he could also spot in the living room alone.


skylar_x January 28 2014, 17:53:18 UTC
"We probably should keep anything glass out," she agreed, looking around at the cluttered shelves that they had out. Skylar loved vases and picture frames though they probably shouldn't be kept quite so high any more.

Their little bundle was quiet and tiny now but he had a sense of adventure, Skylar could tell. It would be long until he started testing his boundaries around this place.

"We'll have to get him plenty of toys to keep him entertained."


reidinggg January 28 2014, 20:56:07 UTC
Reid had always left the decorating entirely up to Skylar as far as common areas were concerned, his own room left relatively sparse with only his general organized mess serving as any kind of decor. But a change in style was definitely going to be called for, or at least rearranged to keep anything mildly fragile away from any accessible jumping point. There had been enough shattered glass in this place as of late-

"Definitely lots of toys," he nodded. "First chance we get we're going to the pet store and raiding the place."


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