Much to my annoyance, I have discovered that the current layout doesn't support tags and does not take kindly to a mile-long link list. Expect a bit the coming weeks. Once tags are supported I can throw most of the title/header/format nuisance out of the window - mostly it was there to facilitate using the "text find" button
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Comments 3
Don't know about the captions; the problem might be that people refrain from posting funny pictures because they're too lazy to reward the best caption with a drabble or something. Although it would be nice to get icons and drabbles. Mhm. Also, how would this work? One entry with loads of comments? (One comment per picture, and then people can reply with possible captions?) Or several entries? Again, this might lead to complete spam orgies. Or one entry per week ("look, this week we found these funny pictures, please caption them")? Ah, I have no idea, I've never moderated a community or anything like
That was the same problem I had. I was thinking of posting one thread for each picture, with captions in the comments, and doing it once a week or once a month. (There's always Himmler if we run out of amusing pictures, right?)
Mhm, I don't know, I suppose we all have an awful lot of funny pictures (as you said, there's always Himmler), which we would love to share; and on the other hand I doubt that everyone will have an idea for the one picture that got posted this week/month. I really don't know what would be the best way to do this.
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