A Guessing Game (Ianto, Gwen, Jack/Ianto; PG-13)

Jul 31, 2008 04:52

Title: A Guessing Game
Author: etharei
Rating: PG-13
Timeline: late S2
Spoilers: "Adrift" (211)
Summary: Gwen shakes her head, persisting, “Come on, I’ve figured it out. Thursday night is game night.:
Author's Notes: My mind scares me sometimes.
Disclaimer: Torchwood and all the characters and situations featured therein are the property of Russell T. Davies, the BBC and their affiliates. I’m only borrowing them for purely non-profit, recreational purposes.

Written for: horizonssing, Day #27.

Rules here

A Guessing Game
by Etharei

“So, what was it last night, then?” asks Gwen, all grins and mischief as she flops down on the sofa next to Ianto.

Ianto gives her a politely puzzled look. Gwen shakes her head, persisting, “Come on, I’ve figured it out. Thursday night is game night. Jack couldn’t wait to get the rest of us out of the Hub yesterday. Was it naked hide-and-seek again?”

A small smile escapes Ianto, and he goes back to reading the sheaf of papers in his hand. “Nope.”

“Strip poker? Blindman’s Buff? Hopscotch?”

The last one raises a Ianto eyebrow. “How did you know about Hopscotch?”

“Jack had a new bottle of scotch that week, and your shoes had chalk dust on them the next day.” At his doubtful look, Gwen adds, “Jack started drawing before the camera shut down for ‘scheduled maintenance’.”

Ianto clears his throat, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. “That was one of mine, actually. And to answer your question - no, none of those.”

“Come on, you can tell me.”

He sighs, and meets her eyes. “Cluedo.”

"Cluedo?" She appears taken aback by this. "Was it naked cluedo?”

“No. We used the board, dice, cards and everything.”

“Oh.” Gwen seemed disappointed. “Did you have sex afterwards?”

He gives her a look.

“Right, Jack Harkness. Forget I asked.”

She chats to him a bit more about Rhys, her parents, Owen driving her crazy, and the case Jack has given her. Eventually she wanders off, to ask Tosh about something. Ianto finishes the paperwork he’s been going through, senses eyes on him, and looks towards Jack’s office.

He sees Jack leaning against the door - still not sitting down, which makes Ianto smirk. Jack retaliates with a rather evil smile, and nonchalantly holds up a length of lead piping, with a coil of rope hanging from the same arm. Ianto inwardly shudders at the memory, glad for the papers on his lap hiding the conspicuous tightening in his trousers.

He suspects that the box containing the candlestick, revolver, dagger and spanner will be opened again next week, barring the Rift and Torchwood business.

The dagger had been his particular favorite.

challenge: horizons sing, tw:jack/ianto, fanfiction: torchwood, rating: pg13

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