The One Where Brian Was Applying Face Cream (Brian/Justin; PG-13)

Jun 29, 2007 03:35

Title: The One Where Brian Was Applying Face Cream
Author: Etharei
Rating: PG-13
Timeline: future
Disclaimer: Queer as Folk and all the characters and situations featured therein are the property of Showtime, Cowlip Productions and their affiliates. I’m only borrowing them for purely non-profit, recreational purposes, and promise to replenish the condom and lube supply when I’m done.
Summary: Brian is getting old.
Author's Notes: Happy Birthday, tamalinn!

The One Where Brian Was Applying Face Cream

Justin didn’t bother trying to hide his grin of exasperated amusement. “You know, when it’s time for you to retire, you should become a mime artist.”

Brian cast him a pointed look of incredulity, but didn’t stop dabbing thick scented cream onto his face.

Unperturbed, Justin began counting off with his fingers. “You don’t talk a lot, you communicate better through actions than words.” He wound his arms around Brian’s waist, one hand dipping lower and lightly stroking the top of Brian’s cock. “And you perform well in front of an audience.”

Brian grunted. His hand paused in its much-practiced application of overpriced French facial products when Justin rubbed his fully hard dick over the crack of Brian’s ass. Justin brushed his lips across Brian’s broad shoulders, breathing in the man’s familiar, clean after-shower scent.

He raised himself up for a moment to nip at one earlobe before adding, “Plus, by then the amount of stuff you’ll have to put on will probably look a lot like face paint, so you can wear it all day.”

A hand whipped around and delivered a healthy smack to Justin’s rump. “Hey!” Justin yelped. The two men glared at each other.

“Saw a new line today,” Brian finally admitted, turning back to the bathroom mirror. “From the side of my nose down to outside the outer left corner of my mouth. Left side.”

“Pops! Justin!” A voice called from outside the door, followed by banging. “If you’re fucking, can you finish up in five minutes? The reservation’s at eight.”

“And that,” Justin said with a wry grin. “Is your very responsible fifteen-year-old son who wants to take you out for dinner on your birthday.”

“Shouldn’t have let him be raised by lesbians,” Brian grumbled. “I definitely never took my dad out for a birthday dinner when I was fifteen. Or any other age.”

“Molly and I did a couple of times,” Justin shrugged. “Or at least, we pretended to, but Dad knew that Mom had made all the arrangements.”

“Well, I can’t see Mel putting him up to this, and Lindsay’s apparently as surprised as the two of us.” Brian frowned, the movement causing the cream on his face to wobble and form bumpy blobs over his forehead. “He’s buttering me up so I’ll buy him a car on his birthday,” he finally decided, and wrapped a towel around himself before exiting the bathroom.

Justin rolled his eyes and followed Brian out, thinking about the receipt that had fallen out of Brian’s pocket earlier, detailing one dye job from their usual hair salon. He hoped Gus had managed to put it back.

fanfiction: queer as folk, qaf: brian/justin, rating: pg13, gift fic

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