Cratylism (Entry Page)

Dec 14, 2006 16:47

Author: rei_c
Title: Cratylism: An FI-verse ‘5 Things’ Ficlet
Pairing: Sam-centric. Gen. Mentions of pre-Sam/Jess and previous Dean/OMC.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3400
Summary: What’s in a name?
Warnings: S1 spoilers, all the way through, as well as spoilers for 2x01. Run-on sentences. Any and all errors relative to established SPN-canon, previous FI-verse fics, referenced mythology, religion, or mysticism, and/or anything else spoken of herein are mine and mine alone.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except the vague elements of spotty-plot, four hundred and twenty three books, and one very demented and incredibly paranoid cat.

Author’s Notes: This ficlet takes place pre-series, mid-season one, post-series and belongs in the FI-verse, with spoilers for all fics Noesis through Threnody. It will probably not make sense without previously having read those.

Sam blinks, swallows, asks, “What do I do now?” The shaman looks at him, eyes deep and impenetrable, glittering in the light of the smoke and the heat of the coals. “Who are you really, Samuel?” he asks in return. “Underneath your names, your family, beneath the masks you wear and display for others, who are you?” The shaman looks serious, nearly fierce, and Sam can’t meet his gaze, can’t answer, can’t do anything but shake his head and let the smoke sting his eyes.

Linked to my journal

spn, fic

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