Title: A Progressive Revelation (A Threefold Path to Redemption timestamp)
rei_cRating: NC-17
Wordcount: approx. 23K
Summary: Sam is changing and he doesn't know why. Even worse, the only person who might have an answer is Lilith.
Pairings: Sam/Dean, Sam/Ruby, Sam/Sycorax (Dean/Lust, hints of Dean/Wrath)
Warnings: au, non-con, language, extreme gore, graphic torture, incest, philosophy, literature, bondage, S/M (scratching, slapping, whipping, scourging), knifeplay, minor bloodplay, theology, blasphemy
Extra warnings: No, seriously. This is part of Threefold universe, okay?
Author's Notes: There are two main understandings of progressive revelation. In the Protestant (Judeo-Christian) belief, it refers to the concept that the sections of the Bible written later contained a fuller revelation of God compared to the earlier sections. (As Charles Hodge puts it, "What at first is only obscurely intimated is gradually unfolded in subsequent parts of the sacred volume, until the truth is revealed in its fullness.") In the Bahá'í tradition, progressive revelation is a core teaching that suggests religious truth is revealed by God progressively and cyclically over time.
The poem quoted is Percy Bysshe Shelley's "
To Coleridge." William Blake's "
Nurse's Song" is also quoted.
Once upon a time,
veronamay sent me a text. I told her I hated her because she sent me, in essence, the plot of this timestamp. Without her bunny, it would have taken me much longer to venture back into the Threefold universe; I'm not sure whether to thank her or hire out a hit on her. At any rate, this is for her.
To my betas
nu_breed and
cormallen, my thanks and most heartfelt apologies.
"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey."
Kenji Miyazawa
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Part Two |
Part Three ]
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