and a real entry to come soon.

Dec 03, 2005 12:25

stole from suthnoli1. Pick one thing from my interests list that you like, and explain why ( Read more... )


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Comments 18

*is bored and procrastinating* ini December 3 2005, 20:22:23 UTC
1. ‘smultiplying by zero’, because it makes things so much easier. (And, naturally, Oscar Wilde, because he is/was a genius.)
2. ‘recieving letters’, because it’s misspelt. ;)
3. ‘boys in eyeliner’, because I didn’t think you were a person who liked this. (Great reason, eh? Sorry I can’t give a better explanation.)
4. ‘panic! at the disco’.
5. Uh ...


Re: *is bored and procrastinating* regina December 4 2005, 04:35:55 UTC
ahahaha, i always mispell that word... i'll go change it.

panic! at the disco = an awesome band =)


thirdjane December 4 2005, 00:38:17 UTC
1. get fuzzy, because who doesn't like Get Fuzzy?
2. boys in eyeliner, because I think most people look stupid in eyeliner- male or female.
3. desperate housewives, because I have yet to see what anyone sees in that show.
4. frou fou
5. ponies!


regina December 4 2005, 05:46:28 UTC
frou frou... i need to quit making typos when i do my interests... frou frou is a band/group or what have you that i happen to like. i also like the stuff done by imogen heap who is their lead singer.

ooo ponies!!!


the_river_below December 4 2005, 01:16:03 UTC
1. French Vanilla Cappuccino...I think it speaks for itself.
2. Qorking out, because I'm lazy and I can't picture you on a treadmill.
3. Danny Phantom...I don't know. The person or the show?
4. Clinique
5. Eva Colas


the_river_below December 4 2005, 01:20:59 UTC
HAHAHHA...I meant working, not qorking.


regina December 4 2005, 04:36:54 UTC
lmao, but i love qorking!


regina December 4 2005, 04:36:41 UTC
both the person and the show.
i like clinique's makeup and other products... even the perfume which is unusual.


vodkafizzz December 4 2005, 14:04:37 UTC
1. Pick one thing from my interests list that you like, and explain why.
Fight Club - because it is the best movie ever.

2. Pick one thing from my interests list that you don't like, and explain why.
arrested development - because it beat scrubs for best comedy

3. Pick one thing from my interests list that surprises you, and explain why.
boys in eyeliner - because I thought I was the only one, lol

4. Pick one thing from my interests list that you don't understand, and I'll tell you about it.
lord of the flies

5. Tell me one thing that's not on my interests list that should be.
vodkafizzz, lol


regina December 4 2005, 17:34:53 UTC
Ooo, Lord of the Flies is an awesome book!
And I'm totally adding you to my interests, hahaha =)


vodkafizzz December 4 2005, 17:37:50 UTC
bahaha - I returned the favor!


regina December 4 2005, 17:38:53 UTC


burningjungle December 5 2005, 00:40:17 UTC
1. Pick one thing from my interests list that you like, and explain why.
-boys in eyeliner...need I day more prrrrrr!
2. Pick one thing from my interests list that you don't like, and explain why.
-in living color, that show made me want to dive through the tv screen and kill someone! Grrr!
3. Pick one thing from my interests list that surprises you, and explain why.
-multiplying by zero, because I picture as the type to embrace a challenge not avoid it.
4. Pick one thing from my interests list that you don't understand, and I'll tell you about it.
-imogen heap
5. Tell me one thing that's not on my interests list that should be.
-"obsessing over my miscle mass." lol


regina December 5 2005, 16:13:07 UTC
multiplying by zero is the best! we always use it in precalc when we don't know what else to do... it's wonderful.

imogen heap is a singer, and i think she's awesome... obviously. i don't obsess over the muscle mass, just the weight!


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