el pato dice << qua qua >>

Dec 01, 2005 22:26

"If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, (even if we don't speak often) please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL memory of you and me ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

madam_rosmerta December 2 2005, 03:31:03 UTC
I remember when we hid in the back of Logan Echoll's X-Terra and gave him a lovely "birthday present." Let's just say we were very nicely wrapped. Who knew ribbon could be so useful?


regina December 2 2005, 04:02:35 UTC
Ribbon is ever so handy.


deeleit December 2 2005, 03:35:42 UTC
Remember the time that we held up the liquor store and took all their money and their vodka??!

That was good times. We should do it again sometime.


regina December 2 2005, 04:03:06 UTC
Mmmmm vodka.


rapidrem December 2 2005, 03:42:18 UTC
Remember that one time that we were driving down the freeway and the directions flew out the window? We had to find our way to the interview by random intuitions and or buzzards. Interview equals death, as do buzzards. Somehow we ended up in the basement of your aunt's house chugging egg nog until we threw up into the snow, watching our projectile vomit crystalize before it even hit the ground. That's about the time when our boy toys (Billy and Mark) exited their car. We were so mortified we ran upstairs. Of course they followed. By the time they made it upstairs.. we had a surprise cake for them. Velvet cake. Our favorite. (Or my favorite, whatever). Anyway, string ooze stuff is sprayed at them but suddenly the ooze catches flame and we struggle to pat them out. Nothing burned except a hole in the floor. That's gonna be tough explaining it to the aunt. We bolt! ROAD TRIP. Without directions, thank goodness. We see a sign for paintballing. So OF COURSE, we pull over! We have an awesome time of paint goodness, when a sky diving fiend ( ... )


regina December 2 2005, 04:01:03 UTC
That was beautiful, man! I make awesome red velvet cake and you know it! Hahaha. But we do have to take a road trip. Seriously.


bubblesinmyhead December 2 2005, 03:54:11 UTC
You came up to the city to visit it and see what it's like. We finally get a chance to meet. Maybe we go see a show or visit a museum or something fun in Central Park and we get to hang out and really become closer friends.

Wouldn't that be awesome? :)


regina December 2 2005, 03:59:36 UTC
Yes!!! I would love to do that! =)


a_purple_dream December 2 2005, 03:56:50 UTC
Remember that time that we went to Las Vegas to see Solos Para Mujers and you kept asking Ernesto, one of the dancers if you can lick him. Then we drank a bit too much and we didn't remember what happened after that but to our surprise, we wake up next 3 of the dancers in the same bed!


regina December 2 2005, 04:00:03 UTC
Ahahaha, that is greatness =)


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