you know you love memes

Sep 29, 2005 00:11

unabashedly stolen from suthnoli

1) Bold what is true about you.
2) Italicize what you wish was true about you.
3) Add one true thing about you to the end of the list.

and to the list! )

friends, meme

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Comments 7

_alldeliberate September 29 2005, 04:48:49 UTC
Why would you ever wish that it was true that you've tried marijuana? It's an expensive form of ruining your body, a weak way of escaping problems, and a pathetic axcuse as a way to have fun.


regina September 29 2005, 05:01:43 UTC
Just to try it. I could never actually habitually smoke-- all my other OCD issues I have couldn't handle that.

I just want to know what it's like. I'm the same way when I read about some foods in books-- like I really want to try them, just to see how I feel.


_alldeliberate September 29 2005, 05:32:36 UTC
You don't get high your first time.


imafilthyhabit December 28 2005, 06:23:17 UTC
thats a lie.


bittersweetdoom September 29 2005, 16:37:04 UTC
im going to steal that! but not right now cause im at work


regina September 30 2005, 03:17:21 UTC
yay for meme stealing!


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