
May 28, 2005 21:17

1. Reply with your name and I will write something I like about you ( Read more... )


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Comments 41

babybeaver May 29 2005, 01:18:19 UTC


regina May 29 2005, 01:34:14 UTC
2. river - joni mitchell
3. 7:30 a.m.
4. classy
5. i think i did a happy dance in the middle of my living room when you added me to your friends list, lmao. i admire your modliness.
6. baby blue
7. what made you think of the communities you made? or even... how'd you end up with a livejournal?


regina May 29 2005, 01:59:53 UTC
ohh i'm stupid.

1. new discovery-- but i really like that you wear lots of colors. most people don't have enough variety. i bow down.


pixiequeen112 May 29 2005, 01:21:37 UTC


regina May 29 2005, 02:14:05 UTC
1. you're very sweet
2. Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
3. 2 p.m.
4. loving
5. How you differentiate between your friends when you talk... and how you add random pictures to your entries. I always like to see what you've decided on.
6. purple
7. What are your non-lj related hobbies?


pixiequeen112 May 30 2005, 00:14:46 UTC
The answer to your questions, can you rephrase the first question, I don't really understand it. I add pics from my photobucket account that consist mostly of pics I took to San Francisco, Berekely and some I took around home.

Purple is my fave color!

I like to write (when I feel like it) read and dance (when no one is home, of course!)


that_evening May 29 2005, 01:29:42 UTC
My name is Jessica. :D


regina May 29 2005, 02:09:52 UTC
I knew thaaat!

1. You understand
2. Straw Dog - Something Corporate
3. 11 a.m.
4. fucking awesome!!!
5. when i found out that we have so much stuff in common!!! it's crazyness!
6. blue
7. How's all that stuff there in Arkansas, and ummm... what was this past election like, there? People-wise and all.


that_evening May 29 2005, 03:29:26 UTC
Things can be pretty good in Arkansas. The weather and nature can be nice, but I often clash with some of the people. Most people around here seemed to be very happy that Bush won. I remember seeing many support Bush signs in the towns. Some places (Hot Springs and Fort Smith come to mind) are awesome places. You see many different types of people and they are not like what some people might expect to find in Arkansas. I hope to move to one of those places. :)


regina May 29 2005, 03:36:49 UTC
Hahaha, yeah I'm in Florida so I definitely understand. I'd like to go there and see what it's like and everything. It's further north so... yeah. Does it snow?
Hahahaa, I'm so strange, but yeah.


the_river_below May 29 2005, 02:21:43 UTC
My name is EVA, even though I'm usually bad at commenting.


regina May 29 2005, 02:34:07 UTC
1. You can make an actual lj entry and have funny stuff in it, too. It's quite admirable.
2. Broadway - Goo Goo Dolls
3. 2:17 a.m.
4. spiffy.
5. The other day you wrote about liking The Metamorphosis, and I was like "whooo! me too!" but you know... i was too lazy to comment at the time. friggen dial-up.
6. Yellow. Not sure why...
7. What's your favorite book? Author is good, too...


the_river_below May 29 2005, 02:36:41 UTC

I have about a bajillion favorite books, and they always change. Mostly depending on the last one I've read...Which isn't much help, I know, sorry...

Lets see. I like Salinger, Kafka, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Francesca Lia Block, Simon Says, America, About a Boy, pretty much any book published by "Push" the company, anything written by David Levithan, and a bunch of teeny books and adulty books. What about you?


regina May 29 2005, 03:06:08 UTC
i love perks, also catch-22, the awakening, jane eyre.

i like to read "the cat who..." books, maeve binchy and anne rice are always great.

plath, poe, e.e. cummings...

i absolutely love reading.

Oh, and the Lemony Snicket books are one of my newest obsessions. =)


berlinchair May 29 2005, 02:45:33 UTC
Cairo :)


regina May 29 2005, 03:02:10 UTC
1. You listen to LOTS of music, and a large variety of it.
2. 1979 - Smashing Pumpkins
3. 11:22 p.m.
4. fascinating
5. you listen to the time warp!!! WOOOO!
6. orange
7. Where do you find all of these bands and songs that you listen to?


berlinchair May 29 2005, 03:26:06 UTC
wow, 11:22pm is an awesome time!

Hmm I get my bands from everywhere! Some bands I've gotten off my parents, some off my friends, a few I've heard on the radio and fallen in love with, some I've heard in a movie/tv shows, and some I just download randomly because I like the name :P


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