
Sep 08, 2014 11:58

time: saturday night. place: liquor store across the street from my house. event:BLAP BLAP BLAP BLAP. someone unloaded an entire clip up, not hitting anything. matt saw two guys get into a car, we both saw them drive off.

thats what i get for living by a liquor store in oakland. one of my neighbors told me that a few years ago he saw some kids at ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

sabbath301 September 13 2014, 01:21:56 UTC
makes me want a gun even more, though. if a bunch of idiots have them, i want my own. maybe ill actually look into getting a CA license to get the gun i want.
And that right there is why people get so up in arms over strict gun control laws. They don't do anything for the people who have them illegally. They just make it harder for honest people to get them.

Best of luck if you're planning on getting a gun in CA.

Like MD, it's one of the more difficult states to get a handgun or carry permit in.
Best place to start would be a basic gun safety class. The NRA usually runs some nice ones without being too preachy about their cause (I've taken a pistol and rifle safety and qualifiers through them) and I think it's actually a requirement for you to pass one of those before you can buy a gun in CA.


regieeuronymous September 14 2014, 01:19:22 UTC
hah, thanks. I looked into getting the license a while ago, and I have to say, I am NOT looking forward to starting the process. My tattoo artist just got his and he said it was an enormous pain in the ass. I dont really care about concealed carry, so at least theres that. But yeah I had no idea that MD was just as horrible until recently. WTF is up with that? I thought being by DC and the south it would have been a little easier. I would look into getting one more under-the-table but I want something specific (silver colt double action revolver) so Im not sure which process would be more difficult because I know nothing. it seems like everyone that owns a gun doesnt have a license.

Fuck, I could go on about how shitty gun control laws are and how they do NOTHING to solve gun violence. Fucking ridiculous, its like people dont think that criminals commit crimes or something. at least we have a 22 rifle if the apocalypse happens soon, lol


sabbath301 September 14 2014, 03:00:26 UTC
I've had a fair amount of exp with guns over the last few years. Having a military boyfriend who's a good ol' south Georgia boy sort of helped that education ( ... )


regieeuronymous September 18 2014, 03:33:08 UTC
ugh, yeah that sounds just about as bad as i thought i was reading. Thanks for breaking it down into something way more edible, though, holy shit. On the bright side, matt said he would take the course and get certified with me, because why not. it cant be THAT bad, guns are alright. totally cant wait to go shopping though, omg! xoxo


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