reganator's LJ stalker is faerie_dragon_7!faerie_dragon_7 is stalking you because they think you are the one who made anonymous abusive LJ comments. They are also eating your food when you aren't looking!
LLightIInnocentCCreativeKKindEEnergeticMMushyYYoungAAstoundingSSkillfulSStrongYYuckyOOutrageousUUnusualFFreshUUnusualCCarefulKKeenIInnocentNNiceGGracefulQQualityUUnusualEEccentricEExcellentRRevolutionary Name Acronym Generator From
So.. this weekend will be pure ass... Erin, my goddess, is working too much.... she has 2 jobs.. and friday and saturday.. she works from 5pm-10pm at one.. then 11pm-4am at the other
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