Double Trouble

Feb 18, 2013 17:07

Title: Double Trouble
Summary: Continuation from the Imagine Me & You AU; babies!
Warnings: None
Rating: Teen+
Chapters: 1/1
Notes: No beta so mistakes are mine.


Original: Imagine Me & You
Continuation: To New Homes| To Happy Ever Afters| Paradise|


“Stiles? STILES?”

“Wha-?” Stiles mumbled as he half walked half fell down the stairs. It was way too early in the morning to deal with all this yelling.

“I need a spoon.”

“You know where the spoons are” Stiles huffed at the foot of the stairs - he could see Derek through their open concept house, standing in the kitchen staring at the drawer. He was baiting Derek and they both knew it.

“I can’t open the fucking drawer Stiles. What the hell did you do?”

“I baby-proofed the house, duh.”

“How the hell is a baby going to get to the top drawer?” Derek growled.

“Uh I don’t know! Super baby with their werewolf skills, I’m taking no risks.”


“Move” Stiles said as he shoved Derek lightly away from the drawer and Derek actually moved. “Open the drawer until it locks, stick your hand in and push down. Ta-dah! Drawer opens.” He handed Derek a large spoon, getting another out for his morning cup of coffee.

They were actually doing this, taking the theoretical leap and having an honest to God baby. One they were going to have to look after for a longer period than a single evening. They found a surrogate mother, a werewolf from another pack who agreed to have their baby. Her egg, Derek’s sperm. Fortunately she didn’t want anything to do with the baby; she was merely the egg donor and the baby carrier. Mackenzie - that was her name, was a single 30 or so year old that knew the Hale’s from passing due to their parents knowing each other from years ago. She agreed to help Stiles and Derek out since she was able and willing, besides it’s not like she had to worry about the after-birth stretch marks carried with child birth - she’d heal.

Mackenzie has been living with them since Derek’s sperm got her pregnant. She’s been sleeping in one of the spare rooms, spending time with the Hale pack, walking around Beacon Hills, and even going to some pre-natal yoga classes to keep up appearances that she wanted to stay fit after the birth - not that it was even a real concern to her. She was currently on one of her morning walks with Laura; they’ve gelled like sisters so Stiles and Derek were on their own.

“When did you even do all this?” Derek leaned against the counter, digging into his bowl of cereal crunching loudly.

“Last night when you were at work” Stiles shrugged. “Mack and your sister helped me.”

“Last time I leave you three alone.”

“Have you been reading those baby books?” Stiles accused as he heaped sugar into his coffee.

“There’s a book about werewolf babies?” Derek asked raising his eyebrows.

“Derek! A baby is a baby, they still need love and nurture and regular feedings and all that. Start reading. Or I’m afraid I’ll have to withhold sex.”

“Good luck keeping that threat” Derek snorted.


Derek called it. Stiles couldn’t even keep his threat up a full 24 hours. That Saturday night in bed Derek jokingly flipped through one of the dozen baby books Stiles had bought before yawning and tossing the book on the ground. Stiles had narrowed his eyes at Derek, telling him to pick up that book and pick it up now. Derek shrugged telling him he could get it himself, nothing interesting to read.

Stiles had scrambled across Derek’s lap to reach over onto the ground to try and retrieve the book. Derek smacked his ass through his sleep pants and it was sad that, that was all it took to get Stiles in the mood. Where was the romance? It’s been a hectic week; they only managed to have sex once - on Monday. It was now Saturday, they both had nowhere to be tomorrow why not take advantage? Besides it’s not like they’re going to have all the time in the world once mini Derek was born.

Thank whoever that Mackenzie had brought her noise cancelling headphones when she moved in for the next nine months. As to whether she used them or not - Stiles didn’t want to think about that. He could only imagine the kind of gossip she would pass on to Laura.


Nicholas Scott Stilinski-Hale

March 7th

7lb 5 oz.

Proud Parents Derek and Stiles Stilinski-Hale

It was a Thursday afternoon, both Stiles and Derek were at work when they got a call from Erica telling them she and Mackenzie were on the way to the hospital - Mackenzie was going into labour. Derek had to wait until someone else could get in and cover him before he could go to the hospital, while Stiles threw his hands up in the air yelling “Class dismissed, class dismisses! I’m having a baby”. What students are going to complain about a class ending early with no extra work to be done? No one.

Stiles didn’t even remember if he closed the car door properly in the parking lot let alone locked the car whereas Derek was the more level-headed one that headed home first, to pick up the car seat and anything else he thought the baby might need, or Mackenzie. Derek remembered to lock his car door before he jogged into the hospital to find where Mackenzie was.

Mack had said before she didn’t mind if Derek and Stiles chose to be in the hospital room with her - it was their child after all. Neither of them had really thought that whole process out thoroughly, more concerned with their unborn child and didn’t actually picture what child birth looked like. They were both suited up in their hospital gowns, masks on, standing behind the doctor looking on in complete horror. Thank God neither of them had vaginas.

It honestly looked like Stiles and Derek were in more pain than Mackenzie, other than a few grunts here and there with a few swear words (probably more for show than anything else) before little Nicholas popped out. He was the most beautiful baby either of them had ever seen - in their humble opinion - because honestly, all new born babies aren’t that cute.

Nicholas had a crown of dark hair, similar to Derek’s with the same eye colour, crying as loud as anything. Luckily werewolf babies, when born aren’t that different than human babies when born so they could afford to go through with the birth at a hospital, with proper doctors and safety precautions because you couldn’t be too careful, werewolf or not.


Two days later Nicholas and Mackenzie were discharged from the hospital and sent on home. Stiles and Derek hadn’t left Mack’s side, staying at the hospital and sleeping on cots watching over the baby as the rest of the pack dropped in to visit and bring by any goods that any of them needed.

Once they’d gotten back home, Mackenzie packed up her belongings kissed everyone goodbye and told Stiles and Derek to keep her updated on the baby, with pictures and everything. They were all sad to see Mackenzie go, but they had an agreement and they all had to stick to it, to make the transition go smoothly. It was going to be weird not seeing her every day, but given they had a new born baby to contend with their time was soon going to be occupied.

Sleepless nights. Every night. No, not even every night, try ever hour. Nicholas cried, and cried, occasionally slept and definitely shit his diapers. After their first night home, the effect of how cute Nicholas was wore off. Now all Stiles or Derek wanted to was sleep, get a good night’s sleep. Laura had offered to babysit, any time, free of charge - she in fact insisted on it. Hell even Isaac offered to babysit - his adorable baby face would probably soothe Nicholas instantly. But Stiles and Derek wanted to prove they could do it themselves, so they stuck it out and ran on little to no sleep.


“What are you doing Stiles?” Derek asked from the door frame of Nicholas’ room.

Stiles startled and wretched his arm back looking back to Derek. “I was just checking on Nicholas.”


“I just want to make sure he’s breathing alright” Stiles shrugged looking anywhere but at Derek slightly embarrassed.

“You don’t think I wouldn’t be able to hear if anything was wrong with him? We have the baby monitor as well.”

“I know you can hear” Stiles emphasized moving closer to Derek and moving away from the sleeping baby - they finally got him down. “But even with the baby monitor I can’t hear if he’s breathing or not, I like to check.” Stiles looked back at Nicholas as his closed eyes kept shuttering as if he were having a nice dream.

“He’s okay Stiles. We’re doing this right, as best as we can” Derek promised reaching his hand out to tug Stiles in closer to him. Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek’s waist, so they were flushed together as Derek nosed along Stiles’ jaw.

“I just like to double check, triple check” Stiles whispered into Derek’s shoulder.

“I know” Derek soothed. “Now let’s try and get some sleep while we can.”


“I still can’t believe I’m a grandfather” Stiles’ dad said as he juggled Nicholas in his arms.

“It’s been a year dad” Stiles joked as he placed dishes of food onto the table.

It was Nicholas’ first birthday and Stiles had gone all out. There were balloons and steamers decorating the outside of their house, only to be ambushed by more balloons and streamers in the house. “Aren’t balloons hazardous to children or something?” Derek had asked. The coffee table was overflowing with presents - and those were mainly just from Stiles and Derek, the others had yet to bring their presents.

He’s not even going to remember this birthday, he’s one but that didn’t stop Stiles or Derek. They had their camera in hand, ready to snap every monumental moment. They got pictures of Nicholas face planting into his cake, hands grubby with icing, and his little onesie covered in frosting. Stiles’ dad got pictures of Stiles and Derek opening Nicholas’ presents, Nicholas more interested in the boxes that his toys came in, rather than the toys itself.

“Man you guys went all out” Boyd noted as he took in all the opened packaging scattered around their place.

“Just imagine what it’ll be like when there’s two running around” Stiles smirked.

“OH MY GOD!” Laura screeched. “Am I going to be an aunt again?”

Stiles and Derek just smiled not saying one way or another.


James Harding Stilinski-Hale

March 24th

8lb 2oz.

Proud Parents Stiles and Derek Stilinski-Hale

James was born on a Sunday, a little less than two years after Nicholas. As luck would have it, Mackenzie was their Dame in shining armour. She was in a relationship now, with a fellow werewolf - but she was more than willing to help Stiles and Derek out again. They hadn’t even asked her, thought it would be too much to ask of one person. But they had met up like they normally do every few months, and she was the one that brought it up - who were they to refuse?

James had almost identical eyes to Stiles’ whiskey brown eyes that melted your heart when he would stare at you with those big eyes. He was a lot chubbier than Nicholas had been and Derek couldn’t help but laugh, because Stiles had been a chubby baby as well, he’d seen the pictures. But a chubby baby made just as cute as a baby. Who didn’t love squishing babies’ cheeks?

This time around Stiles was more relaxed, he still liked to check on the baby every night but he wasn’t as terrified as last time. Although he was more relaxed, neither him nor Derek relaxed on the festivities. Birthdays, Christmas’ - they were all a big hoopla, not that either of them would have it any other way.

Nicholas always hovered around wanting to hold his baby brother, play with his baby brother and even feed his baby brother. Derek thought it was the cutest thing, Laura told him she used to do the same thing when their parents brought Derek home. That was until she wanted to recycle him, after she got bored of the “new toy”. Derek only hoped that Nicholas never felt like that. He only wished they would have a close relationship, like he and Laura have.


“Good Lord, no more children” Stiles mumbled as he climbed back into bed after settling James down for the night for what felt like the 10th time in the span of an hour.

“I thought we were going to have a big family” Derek whispered as he snuggled in closer to Stiles.

“Two - two is enough. Two little werewolves running around, oh God - I can picture it now; they’ll be the death of me.”

“Have a little faith.”

“Faith?! When they get older you’re going to be the pushover dad, then I’m going to have to be the hard ass. I have little faith.”

“Just go to sleep.”

“I’m suddenly sorry for every mini-heart attack I ever gave my dad” Stiles yawned as he started to fall asleep.

Have two kids was a lot of work but it was the only kind of work that truly mattered. Neither Stiles nor Derek would change it for the world.

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