No Expectations - Part 4.

Oct 05, 2012 14:47

Title: No Expectations
Warnings: Underage, smut, biting, anal sex, orgasm delay
Rating: NC17
Summary: After agreeing to the terms of their relationship, or lack thereof really, Stiles and Derek finally get to their sexy time...
Notes: No Beta, so mistakes are mine.

Part 1| Part 2| Part 3|

All of Saturday found Stiles bouncing around the house trying to contain his excitement and nervousness of finally losing is virginity later that night. What was he supposed to wear? Should he watch some more porn to try and figure out some moves so he doesn’t lie there like some inexperienced virgin? Well there was little chance that he’d actually accomplish any more than that he was sure.

Besides Stiles didn’t really have much time for more porn watching, as his father actually had the day off and Stiles had promised to spend the day with him and just hangout around the house. He felt bad enough lying to his father about everything else going on in his life, the least he could do was spend some quality time with his dad.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning Stiles. Please try not to get up too much. I really don’t need to see you at any more crime scenes” Sheriff Stilinski said standing at the front door in his police uniform ready to head out to work.

“No worries Dad, I’m staying in tonight. Kinda tired” Stiles replied standing at the foot of the stairs stretching his arms over his head trying to fake a yawn. Sheriff Stilinski gave his son a hard long stare like he really didn’t believe a word he said, but there really wasn’t anything he could do about it now.

Once Stiles was sure that his fathers’ car had left the drive way he scrambled into his room removing the bag of condoms and lube he’d bought the night before tossing it on the bed. Then running into the bathroom to have a quick shower and calm his nerves down.

Back in the bedroom he stood in front of his closet trying to figure out what the hell to wear. God, he was acting like such a girl, it’s not like he was going on a date, or had to impress Derek or anything. Unfortunately Stiles didn’t have any time to figure out what the hell he was going to wear, as he heard the tell-tale signs of Derek entering his room from the unlocked window.

“Jesus fuck Derek. Not only do you not bother knocking, you’re also a little early! I’m not even dressed” Stiles yelped trying to cover himself a little more with his barely there white towel. He felt way too exposed as Derek eyed him from head to toe, then back up again, locking eyes with Stiles.

“For what we have planned Stiles, you certainly don’t need any clothes” Derek said smiling, but it sure as hell wasn’t a pleasant smile it was pure predatory as he made his way towards Stiles. Stiles backed up a little entire body heating up as he felt the blush rush to his cheeks as Derek finally closed the space between them. He ran his finger along the top of the towel that was hung just below Stiles hips, finger running up and down Stiles happy trail.

“Holy shit, it’s hot. Are you hot? Like temperature hot, not sexy hot. Because…” Stiles sputtered out before his mouth was covered by Derek’s.

Derek dominated the kiss pushing his tongue into Stiles’ mouth, nipping at his bottom lip while his hands traced around the towel stopping on either side of Stiles’ hips pulling the younger man to his body. Stiles as per usual not expecting the kiss finally caught up to what was going on, hands gripping onto Derek’s shirt before reaching up to fist his hands in his hair pushing himself closer to Derek.

Derek started walking backwards pulling Stiles along with him while still gently nipping and tugging on Stiles lips getting them moist and red.

“Oh god” Stiles gasped “Just getting straight into this”.

His only response was Derek spinning him around, changing places with Stiles so Stiles was at the end of the bed and ripping the last shred of cloth covering Stiles so he was standing there stark naked. Derek’s eyes flashed red quickly as he took in all of Stiles and his hard cock just waiting to be touched. Derek smirked pushing Stiles down onto the bed before removing his shirt exposing his bare chiselled chest covered in hair, before moving onto his shoes and socks and the rest of his clothes until he was left only in his boxers.

“Hands and knees. Now” ordered Derek, voice sounding a little too hoarse.

Stiles quickly flipped over pulling himself onto his hands and knees, head hanging between his arms just trying to regulate his breathing and his heartbeat. This was actually happening!

Derek made his way between Stiles legs draping himself over the younger boy, nipping at the base of his neck and sucking little hickies down Stiles spine before gently nipping at one of Stiles’ cheeks earning him a little yelp from the waiting teen.

He placed both of his hands on either of Stiles cheeks spreading him apart and gently running his tongue through the crack, before starting to suck and lick at Stiles’ entrance, covering it in his own spit. “Hhnnn fuuuuck, Derek” Stiles babbled out hips canting down, surprised by the new sensation of Derek’s tongue working its magic on his ass.

Derek just growled pulling Stiles hips back up before resuming his licking and sucking until Stiles was drenched in his spit before grabbing the bottle of lube Stiles had laid out on the bed earlier. He popped open the lid slicking his fingers, rubbing them together “Just relax” assured Derek, when he saw Stiles’ head whip around at the sound of the lube being opened.

Stiles only nodded his head as Derek’s fingers made their way back to Stiles’ hole rubbing the lube around the hole and only putting slight pressure at the resistant hole, despite all the spit and lube being worked in and around. “Breath” Derek commanded. Stiles bit down on his arm, trying to regulate his breathing before he felt Derek’s finger finally and slowly pressing its way in. Derek moved his finger around once inside of Stiles before pulling slightly out and pushing back in. He listened to Stiles’ heartbeat waiting for it to calm back down, which told him Stiles was ready for another finger. Derek removed his finger before pressing back in with two, twisting his fingers a little which graced him with Stiles’ muffled moan into his arm. He kept moving his fingers in and out, scissoring them until Stiles’ hole was finally open and ready enough for Derek’s cock.

Derek got up quickly to remove his boxers before grabbing the condom, tearing it open with his teeth and rolling it on. Stiles’ just at the sight of Derek finally putting the condom on reminded him of his aching straining cock just waiting to be touched. He tried balancing on one arm, while using his other hand to reach for his cock to start stroking.

“Don’t you dare touch your fucking cock Stiles. That’s mine for later” Derek scolded out as he repositioned himself back between Stiles legs lining himself up. Stiles being Stiles usually had a retort for everything, and was about to say as much before he felt the tip of Derek’s cock against him pressing gently into his hole.

Stiles just gasped out, pushing himself further up onto his arms to brace himself as Derek slowly, so, so slowly pushed his cock in. After what felt like a fucking eternity Derek finally bottomed out, wrapping an arm around Stiles’ waist and draping himself over Stiles’ back. Derek stayed in the same position for a few moments letting Stiles adjust to the new sensation, as he lazily sucked over the marks he’d left earlier, hand rubbing up and down Stiles stomach.

“Move” Stiles whispered out, trying to crane his head around to see Derek. Though Derek made no effort to move, as he still traced the marks he left on Stiles’ spine with his tongue.

“F-f-fuuck just move!” Stiles urged out, trying to move his ass to jump start Derek.

Finally taking the hint, Derek pushed himself off of Stiles’ back and started removing his cock slowly so that just the head of his cock was still inside of Stiles before he pressed back in. He continued to rock in and out of Stiles slowly just savouring the tightness he felt around his cock. It had been a long time for Derek since he last got laid, felt the tightness of anything other than his hand wrapped around his cock and he didn’t want this to end too early.

Soon enough Derek started losing his control and couldn’t be bothered to keep up with the slow thrusts into Stiles’ before he wanted to thrust harder and faster into Stiles’. He started pulling out and ramming back into Stiles, which sent the younger boy flailing forwards trying to keep up. His hands having gotten tired from trying to hold himself up dropped to his forearms, pushing his ass higher and farther back towards Derek. Stiles’ having somewhat got used to the feeling started pushing harder and faster back to meet Derek’s thrusts groaning each time Derek bottomed out feeling his balls slap against skin. With the new leverage and Stiles’ pushing back, Derek hit the sweet spot inside of Stiles that had the younger boy seeing stars with each thrust, hitting that perfect spot, over and over.

“Oh-hhh, Derek I’m gonna come” Stiles sputtered out at the same time Derek’s hand reached out to wrap around Stiles’ cock at the base squeezing tightly, holding off his orgasm.

“Shit! Derek!” Stiles’ gasped out, as his hand moved to try and remove Derek’s grip from the base of his cock.

“Not. Yet” Derek grunted as he kept thrusting into Stiles.

“Derek. I need to come. I want to. Please, ohh… Shit” Stiles whimpered pushing himself more onto Derek’s cock.

“Now. Please. Let me!” Stiles begged, head hanging low, trying to breath in between gasps.

With one final thrust, Derek grunted releasing his grip on Stiles’ cock and started jacking him off at a frantic pace as he bit down on Stiles’ shoulder feeling his own orgasm roll through him.

It didn’t take many more pumps of Derek’s hand on Stiles’ cock before Stiles’ was coming all over Derek’s hand and the sheets as he cried out, head hung low, whole body shaking.

Derek remained still for a few moments letting Stiles calm down a little before leaning back up, and slowly pulling out of Stiles’ and removing the condom, tying it up and tossing it into a trash can by the computer. Once Derek was out of Stiles, Stiles turned around and collapsed on the bed, in a bit of a daze, looking over Derek.

Stiles’ come was still over Derek’s hand, and Derek slowly lifted his hand to his mouth before tentatively sticking his tongue out and licking up all the come slowly, watching Stiles as he did so.

“Oh Christ!” Stiles babbled out, arm covering his face “You can’t do shit like that. It’s kinda hot, and there’s no way I can get it up again!”

Derek chuckled poking the one finger he hadn’t licked clean to Stiles’ mouth. “Open” he ordered, watching Stiles take his index finger into his mouth licking off his own come off of Derek’s hand.

“Mmm. Taste different when it’s on your hand. Better than last time I tried it” Stiles murmured out, eyes trying to stay open.

“Are you okay?” Derek asked, getting up from the bed starting to put his boxers and jeans on, along with the rest of his clothes.

“About as okay as I guess I can feel after having that huge cock in my ass. Pretty sure I’m gonna be sore tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve even worked or knew about half these muscles that I’m feeling right about now. Not even in lacrosse dude. Let’s just hope my dad doesn’t see me walking funny because oh god can you image that conversation. Hey what are you doing?” Stiles rambled on, finally sitting up as he realised Derek was getting fully dressed.

“I’m getting dressed Stiles”

“No I know that. I am fully capable of getting dressed myself you know, not really a talent. Unless you’re Scott, and oh God why did I mention Scott? Ew. I meant why are you getting dressed?”

“I don’t feel like going home naked” Derek emphasized.

“Oh. Right” Stiles said flopping back down on the bed, watching as Derek made his way to the window, before slipping back out into the cool breeze of the night.

Stiles’ still a little shaky on his feet went to the bathroom to clean himself up a little, before going back to his bedroom to remove his bottom sheet that he definitely was not going to be sleeping in before slipping back into bed completely and utterly exhausted. He also made a note to empty his trash can outside before garbage day because he certainly didn’t need his father finding a used condom, could you image the awkwardness?

Stiles looked back on his night with a little triumphant smile on his lips thinking his first time went pretty well. Though he had expected Derek to stay a little longer than just leaving right after sex, he realistically knew Derek couldn’t stay the whole night or risk the sheriff finding him, but he figured he’d at least stay for a few hours.

Whatever Stiles thought, he just had sex, and it was awesome. And he wants to do it again, and soon.


Part 5|

stiles, underage, anal sex, biting, sterek, derek, orgasm delay

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