I have more to do than stand here and listen to you quote yourself.

Jul 05, 2009 22:51

I had a fantastic Fourth of July this year; my brother and I made our way through most of the Freedom Trail (the outdoor parts, the wait was too long on the buildings), enjoyed a pretty great view of the fireworks, and wrapped up with the obligatory 1776 viewing. (Once again, I really want to get my hands on a volume of the Adamses' correspondence.) The weather turned suddenly gorgeous, and it was just great to have him to myself for a day or two, so. :D

Of course, now I'm exhausted and sore, which is more than a little sad. Now that I'm past the most intense period of deadlines, maybe I should think about, IDK, moving once in awhile? /o\ At least the sun put a tiny bit of color into my vampire cheeks.

I'm going to go curl up with some Trek fic (finally) and try to sleep early (this promises to be one hell of a week for a number of reasons), but I actually have a tiny bit more fanart to share. I seem to have risen to a new level recently: I take breaks from art by doing other art. :D:

This is a scene from jjtaylor's bandombigbang fic, Gerard Way's (Vampire) Detective Agency. If you haven't read it, you should: it's absolutely delightful. I want so many stories set in that universe.

The plant gave a shiver and spat a dust of red pollen all over Gerard:

The perspective is, as usual, a little fail, but I enjoyed drawing this so much. I also may have taken some liberties with the costuming (it's specifically mentioned that Frank's wearing a t-shirt in this scene, but . . . hard to resist).

Right. Bed! At some point I would like to babble more about the latter seasons of Due South, or how I'm suddenly getting sucked back into DC comics again, or maybe how Amanda Palmer keeps crossing the streams and freaking me out (LoJ tickets? what?) . . . but it'll have to wait. Night! ♥

This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth. (

fandom: bandom, art: fic illustration, art, the piano is most certainly possessed, real life

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