AMP12: Day 9 and Day 10

Mar 23, 2012 23:38

Apparently, I really suck at this one-a-day podfic posting thing. This is, what, the third time I've missed a day? Urgh. Plus, I was looking at the iTunes playlist set aside for my AMP12 podfics, and it turns out that basically, only the podfics I recorded for au_bingo are longer than 20 minutes. Sorry folks - once au_bingo ends, the podfics are ( Read more... )

pprfaith gets her own tag, fandom: thor, other people's podfic, b-i-n-g-ohhhhh, other people's fanfic, fandom: spn, podfic, fandom: white collar, amp 2012, i made coverart!

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Comments 13

pprfaith March 24 2012, 06:37:54 UTC
Weeell, you already know I love Pockets Full of Stones to death and back, for the coverart alone because, hey, green eyes. But the other fic sounds hilarious, too, which is why I am going to go and listen to it now, even though I'm only half awake and barely functioning.

God, mornings suck. Saturday mornings suck even worse. Gah!

And, uhm... you're wonderful? Yes, you're wonderful.


reena_jenkins March 25 2012, 00:58:20 UTC
I'm sorry your Saturday morning was full of suck - but, I'm posting another podfic tonight, so maybe Saturday evening will be less suckish? *hugs*


pprfaith March 24 2012, 06:39:03 UTC
Eeeeep, you turned Neal's handcuff into a letter!!!!!


reena_jenkins March 25 2012, 00:58:43 UTC
I did! (I thought I was being clever ^___^ )


pprfaith March 25 2012, 06:42:17 UTC
You were. I am over-clevered by your cleverness. ;D


tinypinkmouse March 24 2012, 10:49:11 UTC
I love you for recording these! Especially the second one, because there's Neal and Loki!!


reena_jenkins March 25 2012, 01:00:20 UTC
:-D I'm glad you enjoy them! It's awesome, because Neal and Loki, together, have the potential for so much awesome chaos....dun dun dunnnnn......


helens78 March 24 2012, 17:23:16 UTC
off-topic-ishly, but I saw your Tweet about needing an auto racing AU, and I was like, IGNITION!, and then I was like, YOU ALREADY DID THAT ONE.

I have a sequel but so far it has no auto racing in it at all! /o\ But it's supposed to? I could write faster? :D? (I said that on Twitter but I don't know if you saw that. XD)


reena_jenkins March 25 2012, 01:03:10 UTC
How to put this politely..... YES PLEASE!

(I didn't see your reply on Twitter, but it might be because my setting over there are kinda screwy. And, well, au_bingo ends on March 31st, so if the story's not done enough I wouldn't want to rush you indecently, but if it's close to done... well, I podfic very quickly....)



helens78 March 25 2012, 01:38:32 UTC
Okay! I will spend Monday and Tuesday WRITING LIKE THE WIND, so I should have something to send you by Wednesday. And if you want the first part of this thing, I can send you that right now. *G* (It's 3400 words now, but no estimate on how much longer it'll be by the time I'm done. But those 3400 words are set and solid, there won't be any changes, and it's not like I expect to go another 50,000 words or anything. ^_^)


reena_jenkins March 25 2012, 03:31:21 UTC
You are awesome like an awesome thing. For realsies.

Sure, I'd love to get started, if you want to send me the beginning parts before the end parts are done (email is! But, don't feel like, "MUST SHOEHORN IN RACECARS ASAP" - even if there's just a speedy car chase, I can probably argue that the podfic fits the square because it's got A) cars and, B) an XMFC au, and so fits the prompt (because I said so, that's why).

Seriously. SO AWESOME.


cantarina1 April 20 2012, 21:09:38 UTC
"Pocket Full of Stones" <333

Like with your Peter Pan story, you wrap the real world up in a lovely veil of myth. I love and adore this recording!


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