[ massive yarnspam post ]

Dec 27, 2010 11:11

 So, as I've mentioned earlier a time or two, I did yarnish things for Christmas. This is due in some part to the fact that I enjoy crocheting, and can do so while watching tv or when my brain is partially turned off....and in some larger part to the fact that I am, for some strange and shocking reason, noticeably light in the pockets of late. In ( Read more... )

mickey mouse is not my lover, cameras are better than postcards, yarnivore

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Comments 12

pprfaith December 27 2010, 16:26:40 UTC
Your Yarn-fu leaves me in utter, stunned worship. Those things are amazing and the blanket looks like it would break my fingers in two rows flat. Maybe three, if I'm lucky. Really lucky.

Holy Hannah!

*looks starry eyed*

Seriously. Can I rent you? There's a blanket that just won't finish itself...

(PS: What's the blanket pattern called? Must goggle.)


reena_jenkins December 28 2010, 05:45:41 UTC
I got the pattern from the book "Happy Hooker", by the same woman who wrote "Stitch N Bitch" and "Stitch N Bitch Nation". She's also got, like, a yarn line as well, I think. However, I cannot currently *find* the book, or else I'd totally tell you the pattern's name. I do remember that it was actually a pattern for a pretty cute cardigan, but instead of doing things like making arm holes, I just kept going straight...


pprfaith December 28 2010, 09:46:43 UTC
My mom says the German name is 'Muschel Muster', ie, shell pattern. That should be enough to google it.

Anyway, awesomely pretty, it is.


reena_jenkins January 7 2011, 01:59:08 UTC
I hope you find it via Google-fu.....and that I find my 'Happy Hooker' pattern book, too....

Also, thank you again!


saone77 December 27 2010, 18:29:07 UTC

Holy crap, you're incredible!

Be impressed, be very impressed.

*nods* I am. Trust me, I am.


reena_jenkins December 28 2010, 05:47:57 UTC
Why, thank you. I'm kinda impressed as well....and shocked, to be honest, that Mom's blanket got finished at all. Seriously, I think I watched four entire seasons of CSI: on DVD, while making that thing! Dad's blanket was just a giant granny square with no complications save color changing, and thus took maybe 40 hours? I cranked that out over a weekend.


nekare December 27 2010, 22:30:37 UTC
Your knitting skills are SO GOOD, I'm so envious! I liked everything, but I especially loved the blanket, it's so cute and the colors are awesome! Besides, it's always nice to get a gift that you know was specially made with you in mind, so I bet your family all adored their presents. :)


reena_jenkins December 28 2010, 05:51:53 UTC
No, not knitting - crochet! If I try to knit, I will actually stab whoever it is that's sitting next to me. No lie - kniting is like a full-contact sport for me, and not in any kind of good way. Crochet only has one stick to keep track of, though it can be a bit tiring for one's wrist....*snerksexualinuendosnerk*

Thank you for the compliments - my Mom was beyond thrilled at the blanket, but the sisters were kinda, "Really? Scarves *again*?" about the whole thing.... ;-)


caitri December 28 2010, 00:25:59 UTC
Holy cow, dude! Those are AMAZING!!


reena_jenkins December 28 2010, 05:55:47 UTC
Thank you! I'm a big fan of "Look what I made" Christmas presents...not only are they usually cheaper, but you also get that sense of smugly superior accomplishment when you *crafted* something and the other person just bought a gift card. Not that I spend my holidays comparing my gifts to those given by other people in some silent game of oneupmanship.... ;-)


caitri December 28 2010, 05:58:14 UTC

Dude. That is simultaneously hilarious and TERRIFYING.

Just saying'.

Ooh, let me know if Rapunzel and Flynn are at Disneyworld yet! :D


reena_jenkins December 28 2010, 06:06:40 UTC
Well, they were in the Disney Christmas Parade (yes, that is part of the Family's Christmas Morning Tradiation, and we watch it every year), so the costumes are already done.... If they're anywhere in the parks, I will make at least one valiant attempt to get a photo for you.


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