“You think if Sam could’ve had the real thing he’d’ve settled for me?”

Apr 25, 2011 23:58

 AMP 2011: Day 22

Now that Easter has passed, and Lent is over, it's high time to post a bit of Wincestuous podfic. So, to alleviate the drought, I thought I'd kick off the new Pentacostal Season with a series that contains transference of brother-loving type feelings, boysecks, random dopplegangers, genetically modified supersoldiers, some of the porniest porn I ever did porn, and angst.

What series is that, you ask?

Why, it's the "Freaky Doubles 'Verse": a series of three fics that cross the Supernatural 'verse, the Dark Angel 'verse, and the Gilmore Girls 'verse, into an amalgam of awesomeness..... written by queenklu!

The first fic in the series is If You Only Knew (the SPN/DA crossover), which starts off by revealing to Dean that Sam has an ex-boyfriend....who looks just like Dean. And then, the revelation that Sam....sometimes called the ex "Dean", while having sex. And then, the brain-numbing surprise that Sam.......(wait for it).........wants to have sex with Dean. Also, Sam has a tattoo. And then there's porn.

But: it's not all butterflies and superhot crossover characters and naked funtimes! queenklu deals with Dean's complete mental divide, when it comes to thinking of Sammy as a sexual object, in an appropriately grave manner; we can see that Dean's all torn up inside, between the guilt and the repression and the protective instincts and Dean's own insecurity complex and the Pleasedon'tleavemeSammy vibes, and she writes Dean's inner monologue so well that you're simply swept up along with Dean's angst (and, eventually, with his euphoria). Sam's vulnerabilities, and Alec's confusion when he first meets Dean, and Dean's possessiveness.... all so gut-wrenchingly fantastic.

I mean, yeah, sure - you'd expect a crossover like this to be a bit cracky (and the second and third fics fulfill this quota admirably), but queenklu manages to make Alec's purpose in the story to be that of a catalyst, rather than a comedian. Yes, Alec's attempted ('botched' might be a better word) introduction to Dean as a fellow transgenic makes for several smile-inducing moments, but when we get to see how pivotal Alec's role in Sam's life was, once upon a time - and how, were it not for his spontaneous reunion with Sam, there would have been far more feelings left to fester in the morass of the Winchester psyche -it's far more of a contemplative moment than a comedic one. Plus, Dean's reactions to Alec as a mirror of himself are both hilarious and heartrending (man, I am on a role with the alliteration in this paragraph!).

And, yes, the porn is hot.

So, download the mp3 here. The Intro/Outro music for this podfic is "If You Only Knew", by Shinedown. The lyrics are a brilliant snapshot of Sam's, Dean's, and Alec's mental states throughout the story. Plus, there's a great cameo of Original Cindy towards the end... and stay tuned for further installments of the "Freaky Doubles 'Verse" as the week progresses!

amp 2011, other people's fanfic, fandom: spn, podfic, fandom: dark angel

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