Title: Hidden Treasures
astri13Movie Adapted:
Indiana JonesGenre: slash, SPN AU
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Sam, couple of familiar faces from the show
Rating: R for imagery and lots of cursing
Word Count: 13.218
Warnings: non-graphic slash
Notes/Credits: I combined elements of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" with "Temple of Doom." Just because I could. :) And because I' m saving "Last Crusade" for the sequel. *g*
Also, the guys are not brothers in this one, and while Indiana Jones basically is a one-man-show, SPN is not, so don't fear gentle readers, both boys will get their chance in the spotlight. ;-)
My deepest gratitude to the awesome
katjad for a lightning-quick and awesome beta. You don`t wanna know how this fic would have looked without her.
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended; fair use only. Not created for profit.
Summary: What happens when a whip-wielding archaeologist and a sharp-tongued, floppy-haired law student stumble upon their greatest adventure? Even the Ark of Covenant itself might pale next to this dynamic duo.
Prologue and Chapter 1 Chapter 2Chapter 3 Epilogue