Title: I am Jack’s Contusio Cerebri
jenniebellie (Jen)
Movie Adapted:
Fight ClubGenre: A mixture: SPN/CWRPF crossover; Gen (Dean/Sam), Slash (J2)
Characters/Pairings: Dean and Sam (no Wincest), Jensen/Jared, mention of other CW and RL people
Rating: R for language, sex and violence - all very graphic
Word Count: 14,593
Warnings: Gratuitous sex (J2); very violent at times; swearing throughout; liberal use of movie quotes.
Notes/Credits: This doesn’t follow the exact film narrative - it’s out of sequence and made to fit the characters - but it’s pretty much all in there. Credit and much love to my ever-fabulous beta
niannah. Comments and reccs are love :D
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended; fair use only. Not created for profit.
Part One Part Two Part Three Soundtrack