Nov 21, 2009 21:24
If anyone is interested in multimedia from the Third Reich, the best site to visit is the Neuschwabenland Archiv: there is a staggering amount of material on there. Navigation is a bit tricky: the main pages appear to be empty, so you have to click on the sub-section to get the file list. (I hope that doesn't sound too complicated! As an eg, if you're interested in Speeches, click "Reden" then one of the options on the second line: "Pre-1945", "Post-1945" or "Foreign Language" with the second page link in square brackets after it.)
There is also a collection of short films, in particular the weekly newsreels (Wochenschau). I haven't looked at those yet, but I'm sure I'll get around to it now that uni is over for the year.