Title: Mohinder Suresh and the Quest for the Cure
takethesky87Movie Adapted:
Raiders of the Lost ArkGenre: Heroes canon, slash
Characters/Pairings: Mohinder/Peter, Noah, Nathan, Sylar, the Haitian; cameos by most of the (surviving) Season 1 cast
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 28,000ish
Warnings: mild language, violence, some non-explicit romance-y stuff - nothing worse than what you’d find in Raiders. Also, character death - if you've seen Raiders, you'll have an inkling as to who might not make it to the end.
Notes/Credits: An AU, set in the 1930s but after the events of Season 1. An unending amount of thanks, gratitude, and hugs to
imamandajulius for cheerleading, offering criticism, and holding my hand through these past few months. You are the best of the best of the best. <3
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended; fair use only. Not created for profit.
One |
Two |
Three |
Four |
Five |
Six |
Seven |
Eight ^To keep from spamming the comm, I’ll be coming back and updating this post daily with links to the new chapters. Also, x-posting to
heroes_fic and