Please use this header when posting your fic. You can either post directly to the community (please use an LJ cut), or post in your journal or other site, and link to the story in a post to the community. You must post your fic on the date you have been assigned; you may not post it in parts or chapters on different days.
You do not need to warn for same-sex pairings.
Word Count:Disclaimer for TW and the movie you are using:
Author's Notes: (optional)
From the list in the sidebar, please add appropriate tags for character, genre, length, pairing, and rating when you post. If you have an author or artist tag from last round, you can add that too. If you haven't posted before, the mods will add an author or artist tag for you. Don't worry too much about the tags though, because the mods can always fix it later.
Please let us know if you have any questions about posting.
Posting Long Fics:
If you're unsure how to post a very long fic, here are some options for posting.
LJ entries are limited to 65,535 characters in size - that includes HTML code. If longer, you have to post in multiple entries. Tips for reducing size of an entry here:
Reducing size of long entries.
We leave it to your discretion how to post your fic. All we ask is that you post the appropriate header on the comm with a link to wherever your fic is posted, or an LJ-cut if you choose to post directly to the comm. We're providing this list merely for informational purposes.
1) Post as many entries on LJ as required, with links from the first one. Some people don't like to do this because each entry will appear on your friends' f-lists. Other people think this is not an issue.
2) Post as many entries on LJ as required, backdating the entries after the first one so they don't appear on your friends' f-lists. Instructions for doing this are here:
Changing Date on an Entry so it doesn't appear on F-list 3) Post to Google Docs. Instructions
here. You can upload many formats.
To share documents on Google Docs (allow others to view):
1) Checkmark the document you wish to share and click the "Share" button at the top of the page
2) Choose the "Get the link to share" option
3) Select "Allow anyone with the link to view (no sign-in required)"
4) De-select the "Also allow them to edit" option, if it is checked.
5) Copy the link given and use it as the link on your LJ entry
6 )Click "Save & Close" to save your changes to Google docs
4) Post to your account on Dreamwidth (entry length limit is 300,000 characters).
5) Post to your account on Archive of Our Own (entry length limit is 500,000 characters).
6) Provide a PDF file. Keep in mind that some readers have said they won't read fics that are only in PDF format. You will probably lose some readers if you only provide a PDF format, and it also makes it more difficult for people to comment. On the other hand, other readers have said they like them.
7) Create a fic journal that is a community with closed membership. Since no one can join, it won't appear on friends' f-lists. Entries can be public and you can link back to your regular LJ for people to leave comments on the fic.