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Comments 70

suzvoy October 20 2006, 17:21:07 UTC
That scene definitely hasn't been in any eps so far. I'm wondering if it was just filmed specifically for the promos.

AND YAY FOR YOUR MANIP!!! I've been waiting for someone to do one of those using a new Gale pic :D :D


suzvoy October 20 2006, 17:21:43 UTC
Your colour scheme's changed!!


reeface October 20 2006, 17:31:01 UTC
OMG, it has! Done when I should have been sleeping. :P


reeface October 20 2006, 17:27:28 UTC
Well, least I'm not losing my mind. But now I'm all grumpy. Fox. >:|

I so want them to meet up. SO V. BADLY. Though I did feel a little bad for covering up Scott. ;))


the_super_manho October 20 2006, 17:22:14 UTC
*glomps* i missed you! again. omg.

oh la la. gale is so gonna meet randy backstage with a bonquet of roses in his arms...every night. if at all possible. and then they're gonna don ninja outfits and sneak past the squee-ing fangurls and then have tons and tons of knock-down, drag-out, sweaty, hot lusty alkdalfj man sex in gale's hotel room. in fact, it's gonna be so hot they'll be served with a bill from the hotel for damages in the room totaling the sums of ZILLION-BAJILLION DOLLARS...

and because they're flat-broke after paying for the damages, they're forced to live on the streets. with no money for food, shelter, etc, they have to co-habitate in a refrigerator box and live on their SPESHUL LOVE. *sniff* so beautiful. HOMELESS!GALE/RANDY IS LOVE OKAY.


lunachickk October 20 2006, 17:30:30 UTC
OMG, THAT IS PERFECT! *wills it so*


the_super_manho October 20 2006, 18:57:57 UTC
OMG YAY! *faints*


reeface October 20 2006, 17:34:13 UTC
THAT'S RIDICULOUSLY ROMANTIC OMG!!! ♥ The ninja outfits lakjdfasl. Refrigerator box love lafkjas. I'm cracking up so hard right now. Man, I so missed you too. :X


lunachickk October 20 2006, 17:32:00 UTC
Nope, I don't remember that scene either. Bastards.

I say tonight calls for a massive roadtrip to NYC!
I'll pick you up soon, be ready. :D


reeface October 20 2006, 17:38:55 UTC
DAMMIT. I was really looking forward to that scene aldsjfa. Anticipating how Gale was gonna carefully stalk that Blue Circle O' Mystery and hear what corny line he was gonna get to say. :D But, nooo. Fox takes that away from me too. *grumps*

I'm packed and already waiting for you from the sidewalk. You don't even have to stop the car, just slow down and I'll jump in the window like Dukes of Hazzard!


xocydcharisseox October 20 2006, 17:34:13 UTC
omg i as just thinking yesterday that you hadent posted in a long time and here you are!! *hugs*

i may have someone to go see Mr. Hotty McHotstuff Gale Harold in NYC with me*fingers crossed* shes as obsessed with him as i am (even though shes a B/M shipper (boo!) lol)

as for vanished.. when does hiatus end? i lost track haha... i've been watching 6 feet under as part of my gale replacement therapy ;)


reeface October 20 2006, 17:44:16 UTC
See, all you have to do is will it and I'll appear for you. ;D

*gasp* Oh, hon, I hope it works out and you get to go!

Next Friday is ded!Kelton, whoo! I'm insanely excited about this. Which is.. odd. But any Gale is good Gale okay!

Ohhh, SFU is on Bravo these days, isn't it? I forgot they were gonna do that! I've seen a few eps over the years and keep meaning to watch the whole series. Must remember to start catching it...


lovinspike247 October 20 2006, 17:39:55 UTC
I don't remember that scene being in the show, then again, I wasn't the most faithful viewer. :D

BTW, I like your new colour scheme. :)


reeface October 20 2006, 17:47:26 UTC
Apparently that scene VANISHED OMG. :P

Aww, thanks! The other one was getting too dark and depressing. Now, as Justin would say, grey is the new black and all that. ;D


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