vanished out the wazoo

Sep 15, 2006 04:57

Want proof how busy I've been? I haven't watched this week's Vanished yet. *cries* And I've been avoiding spoilers since 102, so I'm extra ancy to see who blows up all over Agent Kelton this week! (Seriously, there's a reason he is not part of the Bomb Squad. *BOOM*) Of course, my being smrt and not taping the right channel didn't help. So, yeah. ( Read more... )

gale howard, tv: vanished, gale: articles, gale quotes o' speshul wisdom

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Comments 30

cuemypulse September 15 2006, 12:09:31 UTC
I totally know, and you may think you know, but you don't know and I know that even I don't know, you know?



reeface September 15 2006, 21:20:54 UTC
Gale is just never going to live that down. ;)


lunachickk September 15 2006, 12:24:27 UTC
The damn not-knowing about that rumor is killing me.


reeface September 15 2006, 21:23:48 UTC
ME TOO. It's not like I still enjoy Gale however long we have him, but I WANT TO KNOW DAMMIT.


reeface September 15 2006, 21:29:17 UTC
...not like I WON'T still enjoy...

I need coffee. :">


paddies September 15 2006, 12:29:32 UTC
The new project will be set in Los Angeles and feature a male lead--a sure-to-be-plum part King says has already been cast... in his head. "I have somebody I want," he notes, hinting only that the mystery thesp is "no one I worked with before."

Ok people, who do I have to blow to make Michael Patrick King choose Gale for that part? ;))


reeface September 15 2006, 21:33:10 UTC
You're not a real Galefan unless you're willing to blow people for his career, I say! ;))


suzvoy September 15 2006, 12:36:21 UTC
You posted! TWICE!

You make me so happy :D :D :D


reeface September 15 2006, 21:41:14 UTC
It's always feast or famine with me. ;D

AWWWW, Suzy Q. It's only fair. You make ME happy whenever you post! ♥


tamalinn September 15 2006, 13:16:49 UTC
I totally know, and you may think you know, but you don't know and I know that even I don't know, you know?


reeface September 15 2006, 21:42:14 UTC
You know that's what he really said. That reporter just cleaned it up. ;))


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