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Comments 14

chadmom July 19 2014, 16:50:53 UTC
Bwah! You speak the truth! Two minutes fifteen was definitely better than dead. And he looked very purty indeed!

He looked like he was actually (dare I say it) enjoying himself. Of course, it could be the several bottles of wine Kevin had available lol!

Can't wait to hear DJ Gale on Tuesday on Sheena Metal!


reeface July 25 2014, 15:00:18 UTC
Kevin was v. smart to have liquor. :P


pet0511 July 19 2014, 17:46:47 UTC
Haven't seen Gale's two minutes but spent more than two minutes reading this post and smiling...
Thanks for that!


reeface July 25 2014, 15:01:13 UTC
Aww, now I just smiled for two minutes. :D :X


beloved4always July 20 2014, 10:49:23 UTC
this is gonna sound a bit mushy but I'm so glad you're actively back on LJ - no one brings the BWAHAHAs like you do :D. You're speshul!!! (in all the best ways :)


reeface July 25 2014, 15:02:12 UTC
That's the nicest thing you could say! Thank you, bb! :X


ayesakara July 21 2014, 05:56:06 UTC
There was more Gale in a new Defiance episode??? I thought they killed off his character!

Yay Gale tweeting! But... seriously? Gale tweeting????? *boggled mind*


reeface July 25 2014, 15:06:37 UTC
They did, heh. He was a hallucination from some old brain-implanted government tech this time 'round. And sounds like he could be back for S3 too. I AM V EXCITE.

IKR? Gotta make those fancy Hollywood connections these days. All the cool kids are doing it. :P


kellankyle July 29 2014, 17:34:49 UTC
I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your entries! Thank you so much! BWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAA!!!


reeface July 31 2014, 13:20:32 UTC
Oh, that is awesome, I'm so tickled. Thank you! :D :D :D


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