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Comments 27

lennongirl July 27 2013, 10:46:10 UTC
Just here for the Gale/Randy, not gonna lie.

And the comedy!Gale is everyhting I could ever ask for. This book is also on my wishlist, btw. One day I might something else than gay teenage angst, and once that day arrived, Blind Turn will be my next read *nods*


reeface July 28 2013, 06:46:10 UTC
That's the kind of chemistry they have -- you're just wandering by an LJ AND THEY JUST SUCK YOU INTO THE COMMENTS. ;D

I hear ya, oy. So much to read, so little time. *shakes tiny fist*


lennongirl July 29 2013, 20:06:24 UTC
LJ tells me it's your birthday! I hope it's a GREAT one :X:X:X


reeface July 31 2013, 04:25:26 UTC
Aww, bb, thank youuuuu! :D :D :D :D


qafaddiction July 27 2013, 12:49:13 UTC
Blargh! I had a comment typed up then lost my Internet connection when I hit "post". Let's try this again...

Gale and Randy are adorbs and I hope we get more clips from their sessions. I've read the transcripts, and having a bit of video helps me "recreate" it in my mind. I want to go to Cafe Attitude and be waited on by Gale and have him tell me what to order! He's so good when he's playing a dick (or being led around by one, lol). Loved the other clips you shared too, like the little soccer kid and the TINY KNITTED THINGS OMG! I'm in love with miniatures right now and just bought a bunch of tiny murano glass animals from the flea market of all places. This woman had penguins, giraffes, birds... so cute. And the blooper reel led me to a 47 minute gag reel of Will & Grace which I will now spend the next hour watching while having my morning coffee. LOL


reeface July 28 2013, 06:53:00 UTC
You will not keep qafaddiction and I apart, internet, nice try! :X

The transcripts are so nice to have! You could tell how sweet they were together from those, but, wow, it's nothing compared to actually seeing the chemistry in the clips. Humina!

Word. Gale could slap me with menus and snarl at me all he wanted. :D

Miniaturessssss, omg. If you ever get pics of your little animals, I'd love to see! They fascinate me. I'm always getting my nose real close to them whenever I see little glass ones for sale. SO CUTE. I'm always amazed at the amount of talent and work it must take to work on that small of a scale.

Bwa! I got lost on a blooper spree myself. :D Do you happen to have the W&G link? I have found that one yet! I heartily recommend all 7 seasons of the How I Met Your Mother bloopers. :D


qafaddiction July 28 2013, 16:17:25 UTC
Here's the W&G blooper reel, Seasons 1 to 7:


Jack and Karen were the best part of that show, IMO.

Another good blooper reel is The Big Bang Theory, Seasons 1 to 5, especially because every time Johnny Galecki messes up, he says "Balls!" LMAO:


I'll have to check out the How I Met Your Mother one. It's funny, I love NPH but am not a regular watcher of that show. I bet I'd love the blooper reel, though.


reeface July 31 2013, 04:32:21 UTC
*high-fives* Thank you so much for linkage, bb!

Yup, that's exactly how I am about HIMYM. I haven't even seen all the eps from those bloopers, but was giggling uncontrollably. :D


rinmonsterer July 27 2013, 15:46:39 UTC
Dude, how did I miss Gale making a teenage girl cry?

And it's supposed to be a movie? What?

and that comedy skit was his best work since... cracking up Randy on r'n's, definitely. It seems like our man is having a busy year. Wonder if he's eyeing any CW shows atm. He should totes get on Arrow.

ILU. In case I forget to come by in the next 2 days:
[Spoiler (click to open)]Happy Birthday you adorablest little ducky! xoxoxo


reeface July 28 2013, 07:10:27 UTC
You and me both, bb! I had no idea about this! And it was two months ago?! This is how behind I am, heh. Huh, now that I've seen his scene, I remember discussion somewhere (ONTD?) about a guy pushing a girl onto a bed and being creepy and that it was from a book, but had no idea it was GALE. It's not listed on his imdb, so I wonder when this is supposta come out, hmmn. But, hey! I'm totally on board with him in an 1979 era film. Bell bottoms oh god please let him wear bell bottoms. And he's definitely good at playing a sexual predator, heh, so there's that. The rest of the film looks painful. :|

He really has been busy! Feast or famine with that boy. Arrow would be a good one for him -- it's already lasted the dreaded first season when Gale's shows usually get cancelled. :P



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reeface July 28 2013, 07:16:32 UTC
Ooo, I hadn't! Thank you for the link. :D Oh, Randypants. Clearly this means partner = Gale. WE C THRU U. Srsly, tho, wow, there's a lot to digest in that interview, isn't there, lol. The stalkers part made me snort. Well played, Randypants, well played. PROTECT YO SELF.

I have a feeling we're not talking about food anymore. >;)


Thanks for all the other non Gale links - I LUV IT!!! rockie2010 July 27 2013, 17:34:47 UTC

#5 - So adorable all of them although my fave is the wee Totoro.

#8 - enjoyed listening to it.

#9 - Never heard of it but will check it out. Sounds like a hoot.

#11 - I heart ST and can watch this movie over and over again.

#12 - BC very impressed with him in ST and on my list to check out his other stuff.

Enjoy your weekend. Gale is priceless.....


Re: Thanks for all the other non Gale links - I LUV IT!!! reeface July 28 2013, 07:22:06 UTC
Aww, you're welcome! So glad you found stuffs to like. :D

I thought a Totoro was a cutie bird until I googled. D'oh!

Ben was ammmmmazing in ST, blew me away! His filmography's awaiting me too. I love that's he got so muuuuch of it.

Be sure and enjoy YOUR weekend! :D


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