it's like when I figured out chris pine's dad was the sergeant from chips all over again

Oct 10, 2010 04:32

01. I just found out that Aly (Marti) on Hellcats = the Aly from Aly & AJ, the pop group. No wonder all the singing on the show! /slow ( Read more... )

tv: hawaii five-o, icons r srs bzns, gale howard, chris so fine pine, randypants, badfic is luv, tv: glee, gale/randy, tv: hellcats, teevee

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Comments 23

pixiebullets October 10 2010, 11:45:35 UTC

Cos I saw this week's episode and noticed all the singing in the show(although in my heart I was like, wtf is this? Glee?) and decided to check out who Aly really is. LOL. You and me both, bb. /slow


reeface October 11 2010, 09:31:57 UTC


kinwad October 10 2010, 12:01:53 UTC
"02. The official fan club from one of my old fandoms is having a charity auction. One of the items up for bid is a 15 minute phone chat with the star. GALE NEEDS TO DO THIS. I would so make him read me QaF badfic. You know he'd use different voices for every character and like, sound effects. And then! Get so into it he'd get Randy on the other line to roleplay Justin and basically drive him ballistic by refusing to call him anything other than Justin, and Randy'd be all "I'M ONLY DOING THIS FOR THE HOMELESS KITTY SHELTER GALE I HATE YOU." and it? Would. be. awesome."

ROTFL...Oh, second day, Reeface, that I choked on my coffee because of you! The mental picture is priceless! *hugs* Thank you for that laugh!


reeface October 11 2010, 09:54:20 UTC
*squishes you* We fangirls gotta dream big, I say! And, hey, careful with that coffee. You don't wanna die before we can make this reality and have mp3s of it passing around fandom! ;D


such_a_steph October 10 2010, 12:09:30 UTC
I would so make him read me QaF badfic.
You = Evil Genius!!!

Puck got to sing! I love when Puck sings
YES!!!! It would totally brilliant if Finn would get laryngitis for a week so that everyone could realise that Puck has the better voice.


reeface October 11 2010, 10:04:50 UTC
*twirls my evol fake moustache and plans world domination* :}D

I want an all-Puck ep SO BAD. I like Finn's every-man voice, but OMG PUCK. ♥


netlagd October 10 2010, 12:31:06 UTC
02: Don't you think that it would be better to have Gale read bad RPS?

03. Actually, there were several things I really liked about this episode.
a) despite Finn's protest that Kurt's dad was like the only Dad he'd ever have, he didn't pray to Grilled Cheesus to make Kurt's dad better - because if that happened and he got better, then there really would be a religious transformation - not right

b) I like seeing the root of Sue's anger explained. I love Jane Lynch and she plays Sue so bad well. I like that we are seeing recurring characters in the show from her sister to Becky the Cheerio ( ... )


reeface October 11 2010, 10:12:33 UTC
But then we'd miss out on hearing G/R bring Amish!Justin to life! Oh, who am I kidding. I'd make 'em read both. ;D

Definitely loved that Kurt spoke his mind, yup yup. And Sue. Never enough Sue.

loved that Kurt had the same hat as a woman at Mercedes' church

I missed that, lol.


netlagd October 11 2010, 16:12:02 UTC
loved that Kurt had the same hat as a woman at Mercedes' church

I missed that, lol.

Oh go back and watch it - at first I wasn't sure, but at the very end the woman in the hat gives Kurt a nod at his hat - very subtle, but funny


stacey_in_ma October 10 2010, 12:57:58 UTC
I loved Glee this week. And cried like a baby. I love that Kurt stood firm in his atheism, and that he wasn't just atheist because he was gay. IWTHYH broke my heart. Chris should get an Emmy nod for that episode alone but I really hope they give him some comedy to do so he has an actual chance of winning. Sue's scene with Emma was great and I loved the scene with her sister. And...Grilled Cheesus. LOL It's just so fun to say. In fact it's so much fun, it was STILL the #1 trending topic on twitter over a day later, which is CRAZY. Even all the glee cast were tweeting their surprise. Hee!


reeface October 11 2010, 10:22:05 UTC
I love that Kurt stood firm in his atheism, and that he wasn't just atheist because he was gay.

Ditto. :X Also, Chris getting an Emmy needs to happen SO BAD.


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